What about the preflight?

We all could use some more philosophy in our lives. Even though the preflight might not be the best time to implement it. But I’m not so sure that Julio is 100% correct here. We don’t actually know for sure that Aristotle never got his PPL. After all, there is no evidence to the contrary! And we know that the absence of evidence is not the evidence of absence. Aha! There’s some logic for you! Aristotle would be proud!

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4 comments on “What about the preflight?
  1. Wade Moeller says:

    Hahaha! Chuck can’t even remember his own abbreviated checklist correctly. 😉

    1, 2, 3.

  2. So,Chuck is pushing on the elevators????

  3. Bruce says:

    Reminds me of a guy that used to tie-down next to me. Tried to taxi away with the tail still tied more than once.

  4. RG2Cents says:

    IMHO Philosophy should not trump safety…

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