Accounting for wind drift

When flying, it is essential to always account for the curvature of the earth. If you fail to do so, you would end up in space!

That reminds me of my time in the Austrian army. I met a fellow there who was convinced that there was a big conspiracy that prevented ordinary people from space travel. Like that you could take an ordinary 747 and just fly high enough and end up in space. It’s too long ago and I can’t remember his argument as to who was behind the conspiracy and how it was enforced. I just remember that I couldn’t convince him otherwise. It’s a bit like the flat earth theory in reverse.

Anyway … always remember to stay inside the atmosphere, folks!


Ou latest short animated movie. Enjoy!

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These videos are made possible by the generous support of our lovely Patrons. If you want us to produce more and faster, please consider to join their ranks on our Patreon Page. Thank you!

As most of you already know, the chickens turned 20 years old this year. Next year, they would be legally allowed to drink in the States!

And our celebrations continue for the last few days of 2021.

We gave you patches (US shop | EU shop), we gave you daily extra comic strips. Now we give you …

20 books or t-shirts!

We will raffle them away among you, our loyal fans. The lucky winners can freely choose one item among our Chicken Wings themed books and t-shirts!

20th Anniversary Raffle

Now how do we know who our loyal fans are? Everybody who is subscribed to our Newsletter, of course! If you’re already subscribed, there is no need for you to lift a finger. You will automatically participate in the drawing. Everybody else can SUBSCRIBE HERE and will instantly be on our good side and take part in the raffle!

With the help of Stef’s old RPG dice collection, we will select two lucky winners every day and notify them via e-mail.

(We average about 3-6 newsletters a year, mostly about announcements of new books, videos and the odd sale.)

Good luck, everybody!

We are celebrating 20 years of “Chicken Wings”. To share the joy with you, our faithful and beloved friends and fans, we offer a 2 week 20% discount on all Chicken Wings products in our online shops!

Simply use PROMO CODE “YAY20” during the checkout process and you will receive the discount.

Americans best order through Mike’s US based shop AVIATORwebsite Also best for orders from the rest of the world.

Europeans, please go to our Austria based Chicken Wings Shop run by Stef.

The offer is valid until Dec 2, 2021.

Our latest animated short is now out on YouTube! Please, watch, like, share and comment. We want to see what you guys think.

We have a feeling that we are starting to get the hang of it and are striving to put out more and more content. All your comments and continued support is highly appreciated. Show this to all of your friends, especially if your friends are movie producers!

These videos are made possible by the generous support of our lovely Patrons. If you want us to produce more and faster, please consider to join their ranks on our Patreon Page. Thank you!