Happy 4th of July!
Chucks quest to build his own F4U Corsair goes on. And he’s taking all the right steps.
Or is he?
Happy 4th of July for those of you who celebrate their independence today!
Chucks quest to build his own F4U Corsair goes on. And he’s taking all the right steps.
Or is he?
Happy 4th of July for those of you who celebrate their independence today!
Check it out! You can now download Chicken Wings on your iPhone or iPod touch! Get it through the App Store at: http://itunes.com/apps/chickenwingssampler
We’ve created this free sampler with some of the strips from our website to as a sort of a test run. So if you are a fan, please download it, write us a (good) review and/or share your thoughts in our forum! We’ve teamed up with this sweet little company here and in the not-so-distant future are planning to publish some paid content, like games and our books for the iPhone. So, check it out and let us know if we’re on the right track!
Hi Everybody!
I will be in Mexico until May 12th. But not to party it up, I am working. My boss has two Hueys down there and we are fighting fires with the Mexicans believe it or not. I get to fly for “The Red Team” (see my posts in the forum).
Not much should change on the Chicken Wings side. The shop will be run by my lovely assistant and Stefan will keep an eye on everything else. If you have any issues, requests, ideas, and such, please direct them to Stefan or you can email Heidi under heidi@chickenwingscomics.com.
She’ll pass on any important infos to me as much as she can.
I’ll try to stay in touch, but if I can’t I’ll see y’all in May!