As most of you already know, the chickens turned 20 years old this year. Next year, they would be legally allowed to drink in the States!
And our celebrations continue for the last few days of 2021.
We gave you patches (US shop | EU shop), we gave you daily extra comic strips. Now we give you …
20 books or t-shirts!
We will raffle them away among you, our loyal fans. The lucky winners can freely choose one item among our Chicken Wings themed books and t-shirts!

Now how do we know who our loyal fans are? Everybody who is subscribed to our Newsletter, of course! If you’re already subscribed, there is no need for you to lift a finger. You will automatically participate in the drawing. Everybody else can SUBSCRIBE HERE and will instantly be on our good side and take part in the raffle!
With the help of Stef’s old RPG dice collection, we will select two lucky winners every day and notify them via e-mail.
(We average about 3-6 newsletters a year, mostly about announcements of new books, videos and the odd sale.)
Good luck, everybody!