Sucker Hole

Ok, WARNING! Do NOT try this at home! Of course, Chuck has this all backwards again. A sucker hole is a break in the clouds that can lure you into thinking “if only I can make it through there, I should be in the clear”. But they have a tendency to close in on you or might have more bad weather behind it, and boom, you’re trapped. The temptation often is great, trust me. Don’t do it, especially if you are not IFR certified.

It’s a mystery how Chuck keeps going without getting himself hurt. Is it dumb luck? Or does he have some sort of skill in the air after all? Maybe his natural flying abilities are actually pretty good, and he just lacks any understanding of the regulations and procedures. Do chickens have a natural ability to fly?

Besides this being a “safety message” comic, it is also one of the strips we never managed to translate into German, lol. They joke just doesn’t translate. Well, maybe there is a way and we just didn’t see it. Lets see what all you German aviators think about it.

Also, has everyone seen OUR LATEST ANIMATION yet?

We hope you liked it. There is more on the horizon very soon, especially for our Patreon supporters.


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5 comments on “Sucker Hole
  1. Mo Davies says:

    I once translated an aircraft POH from German. I had endless problems with the German initials “ACL”. Apparently the German for “Anti Collision Light” is “Anti Collision Light, shortened to ACL. I do so hate the German tendency to abbreviate, it robs me of any chance of understanding. You will probably find that the German for “Sucker Hole” is “Sucker Hole”.

  2. Bernd says:

    As Mo said, I don’t think there’s a translation for “Sucker Hole”, but quite aside from aviation terms my grandfather used to call small patches of blue in an otherwise overcast sky “Badehose”, because he considered them an indicator of improving weather, soon permitting him to go for a swim in the nearest lake.

    In aviation, there is an official legal German word for almost everything which nobody uses. Have you ever heard of a “Klarliste”?

  3. M Mitchell Marmel says:

    How about “Narrenloch”?

  4. Pepe says:

    How Mitchel suggest, Narrenloch or maybe Deppenloch too may sound as a suitable translation, but nobody will just know what it should be.
    Germans do not even give names to things they even not imagine to exist…
    The other way, how would you translate „vorauseilende Gehorsamkeit“?

  5. Aurjomon Das Joardar says:

    ha! funny…this comic is really good…

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