Better than everyone around them

Happy New Year, fellow chickens!

I hope this new, yet slightly delayed (our apologies), comic finds you all well and looking forward to the new year. I actually ended up with the “New Year’s egg” of our parents neighbors chickens. We happened to be there right after ringing in the New Year. And while talking about chickens (which keeps coming up a lot in my life for some reasons) the neighbor lady showed me her coop set up where we stumbled upon the first egg of 2019 which I got to keep!
It was tasty!

Looks like Chuck didn’t get lucky at the New Year’s party. Maybe he has better luck next year. As far this chicks question goes; I think pilots are basically just like drivers. Doesn’t almost everyone driving a car think he/she is a better driver than the drivers around him/her?
One of my former chief pilots used to say when it came to a certain maneuver or aeronautical decision: “There are about 120 ways of doing this and only three are wrong”, which falls in line with “there are as many ways of doing this as there are pilots”. I am sure this applies more for bush pilots than airline drivers but you get the idea.

Pilots … sheesh …

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5 comments on “Better than everyone around them
  1. Rwill says:

    You can always tell a pilot. You just can’t tell them much.

  2. Merijn@home says:

    How are we to fly like eagles if we are surrounded by turkeys?

  3. Fbs says:

    Most pilots that think they’re better than others eventually kills themselves (and sometimes their family as well). Another exemple last year in the next hangar (twin crashed into mountain with family on board because pilot didn’t want to waste flight time in an IFR procédure for landing – he was IR rated as well as the plane – and preffered to continue VFR in marginal wheater conditions). Oh, and did I mention Renaud Ecalle ? (Google the name if you don’t know him)

  4. Boyd says:

    “You know its hard to be humble,
    When you’re perfect in every way”
    ~Mac Davis

  5. Kopets says:

    Only a cosmonaut/austronaut can be better, cooler, awesomer than a pilot!

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