The helicopter won’t start

Yay! A new strip! Sorry for the spotty service recently. As I mentioned in an earlier post, nothing terrible is happening, I’m just drowning in small-scale life problems … mostly the fact that one kid after another gets sick, then my wife, then we start over with kid 1 with a new illness, and now finally I caught up with the rest and feel under the weather. Oh, and talking about weather, we had a really bad storm and flood here in Austria last week. The media called it a “once in a millennium” event. We only had some minor water issue in our basement. Fortunately not very bad, but bad enough to keep my busy all weekend with rearranging shelves, organizing boxes and cleaning.

And with “flooding” we have the perfect segue to todays comic! Hope you like it!

Thank you everybody for your kind words and messages! I really appreciate it and I promise to get back to our usual weekly schedule as quickly as possible!

All the best,


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3 comments on “The helicopter won’t start
  1. J Segal says:

    And here I thought that they flooded the engine.

  2. Florian says:

    There is actually a blonde joke in the German language I will try to translate, which is similar to Chuck’s story.

    A blonde walks to her husband and says: “Sweety, there is a problem with my car. I guess there is some water in the carburetor.”
    He: Are you sure?
    She: Yes of course!
    He: But don’t even know what a carburetor is!
    She: Maybe, but I am sure it has water in it!
    He: Sigh, well, I will have a look. Where’s the car?
    She: In the pool!

    I know, not to gender appropriate, but the strip just reminded me of it…

  3. Rick says:

    You made this former maritime helicopter guy laugh with a ditching cartoon! Thanks!

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