Airspeed dropping to zero
Considering that airspeed is basically the net speed at which you move through the surrounding air or vice versa, the surrounding air around you, I can safely say that I have achieved quite significant airspeeds just by standing in my yard during a storm. Now, I don’t usually hang around in my yard in a storm. But now that I have come up with this idea, I am tempted to do this next time. I can then look up the measured wind speeds and henceforth declare that I am capable of airspeed up to e.g. 80 km/h.
But maybe I have the definition of airspeed wrong?
Or, you get into icing conditions and forgot to have pitot heating on…..
Takes a couple of minutes before the heating restores proper indication, and they are long because you need the airspeed to monitor how bad the icing is…
I won’t forget it twice, but maybe Chuck can….(or maybe it is better he is not IR-rated…)
Wow for once Chuck provided the correct answer and was the wiser person (or is it chicken?). That must be first time. Did you get a new writer who does not know the characters and their traits?
Usually when I get a bogus airspeed reading in a glider it is because the pitot switch is in an incorrect posistion, and either the pitot tube in the nose is blocked by the tow rope, or the pitot tube at the tail is hit by propwash or turbulence from an extended sustainer engine.
or you are in a hover ^^