The quiet before the battle

Another great thing about our new website is that now we can upload comic strips in different sizes. So rejoice, people! From now on, you’ll be able to enjoy one of our double-sized comic strips every now and then, like this one today! Todays is actually one of my favorites. Strips like this one, where you see a lot of planes, and the background isn’t the usual ofice or ramp setting, are quite a lot of work, but those are usually the one’s I’m most proud of.

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5 comments on “The quiet before the battle
  1. SpilledInkGuy says:

    Hahaha – bit of a reality check(ride)!
    Really loving all the perks of your new site – the double-sized strip looks great! 🙂

  2. Fast Eagle 0ne says:

    Great comic – especially those double-sized ones. I really can’t wait to see the next one. Keep it going, 🙂

  3. Mic says:

    Excellent! A very nice one and the double size is just double pleasure!

  4. As a DPE…my breath isn’t a “foul stench”…a nice single-malt scotch smells GOOD!
    This could also read: “The incredibly skilled aviator again places his life in the hands of a raw rookie to get them past the hazards of inexperience on the way to become a hardened veteran”

  5. mike says:

    HA HA!! Good one, Mr. DPE!!
    I really liked your comment! And I have to say, my hat’s off to you guys. I was thinking of becoming an DPE myself before (people told me I should do it) but I am not sure if I want that much responsiblilty. Your job definitely supplies us with plenty of material! 😉
    A CFI once told me “I don’t get it. You get along with them, you like them, you think they like you, you share the same passion . . . . and for some reason, without warning, and about every three hours, they try to kill you!”

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