Ghost army

We know by now that Chuck has a pretty good knowledge about World War 2. By constantly researching the F-4U Corsair, he must have stumbled onto what was later called “The Ghost Army”, not to be confused with the “Army of the Dead” from “Lord of the Rings” like Sally did. The unit we refer to here mainly consisted of the 603rd Camouflage Engineers, the 406th Combat Engineers (which handled security), the 3133 Signal Service Company Special (who did radio deception as well) who deceived the Germans during the D-Day events. Their use of inflatable tanks which could be deployed anywhere with a couple of compressors in a matter of hours is what impressed us (and by default, Chuck as well) the most. They also build dummy airfields, motor pools, etc. you name it.

Another interesting fact was that most of the men in this unit were artists and some later went on to famous artist careers.

So…. Chuck had the perfect plan. But… as it often is the case at Roost-Air, it wasn’t exactly beautifully executed. Also, we might almost be a bit too late for the strip. It is April already. The way commerce and the Christmas business has been in the last couple of years, the big sellers are already long done with their After-Christmas-Leftover Specials and probably already actively promoting Christmas 2024 deals. We only have 8 months left after all.


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