I haven’t started decorating the Christmas tree yet. But I have spent half of yesterday evening wrapping Christmas gifts. I was so engrossed that I totally forgot to draw the last two winners of our Anniversary Raffle. Well, I remembered today and the last lucky two were notified!
Thank you, everybody, who participated! A few winners haven’t answered our emails yet, so please check your spam folder. We will do another drawing of the unclaimed prizes in a few weeks!
Back to the subject of decorating trees: I know that a lot of people really love doing that. I don’t. I’m outing myself as someone with a total lack of sense, taste or proclivity for decoration of any kind. If you let me design the interior of a house, it would end up with a lot of white walls and functional cabinets. It’s not that I don’t like decorated stuff, I very much do. And I admire what some people can do with just the right colors, settings or just arrangement of furniture. It’s just one of those things better left to others who actually enjoy the process.
Fortunately, our ancestors discovered division of labor!
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