Skydiving seems to attract a certain type of people. But it’s big on my “things to do before I die” list, even though I’d only be tandem-skydiving. I seem to be putting it off though. One of my excuses is that I get motion sick easily. A friend of mine once went tandem skydiving, got really sick on the way up and puked on the way down. Of course, the air flow then transported her lunch back to the poor instructor… Seems like skydiving instructor is a risky job in more ways than people know!
Did it for fifteen years, loved every single jump! I need to find my logbooks and count them.
Did it for 10 years, about 400 jumps.
My 380e was with friends holding an inflatable A380 model (1m60 wides), awesome 🙂
I remember some local guy in the plane with us doing a tandem-skydiving. All the way up I was describing the land below and who own what, which village it was, and so on. He was very at ease.
Then… a group of 3 freeflyers opened the door, one hang himself under the wing, another get outside the plane gripping a handle on the rear behind the wing and the last jump backward. At that time, the tandem guy got very pale! 🙂
1/2h after landing he was still talking about those crazy people climbing the outside of the plane 😉
My Aircraft maintenance teacher always told me skydiving is the most fun you can have with your clothes on 😀
I learned in England in my misspent youth, after I got to know the pilot I figured any fool can learn to fly, and here I am as living proof! (Well OK I am not just “Any” fool – folks tell me I am a prize fool…)
Jets, you can even skydive with no clothes 😉
That’s the usual way to celebrate the 100th jump here in France.
Jide: Interesting. I need to find out if any girls around are nearing 100… we have a paraclub at the airport, even though I dont hang out with them much. 🙂
Skydiving is more fun than EVEN nuptial activities;
1. You can have eight skydives a day and still want more.
2. Finding partners for skydiving is much easier – physical attraction is not as important.
3. Skydiving is much safer, no diseases and no kids.
4. Finding good partners is much easier – everyone knows in advance how good a skydiver you are.
5. It’s socially acceptable to do 4-ways, 8-ways, 16-ways…
6. Everyone involved is usually satisfied or not with a skydive.
7. You can ask skydivers if they’ve put on weight without offending them.
8. You rarely get told by your partner(s) that they’ve had enough.
9. Solo skydiving is not embarrassing.
10. Everyone is ugly in freefall.
11.You could actually have a whole TEAM that knows about each other.
12.Your TEAM can do a LOT of practising. Either individually or all together.
13.You can constantly change partners without getting a bad reputation.
14.You can always go back to your ex-partner after having jumped with several others.
15.Your partners will not think of you as “weird” if you suggest a “horny gorilla”.
16.You can actually “dirt dive” the act, AND “de-brief” it afterwards.
17.You get certificates that can tell others how many times you have DONE it, and how good you are.
18.You can LOG it and people will even verify it by signing.
19.You can by a stamp that you can use to LOG the various positions that you and your patner(s) have done.
20.For a small price you can hire a professional videoman so you can impress your friends and family! If you’re really good, you can sell the video for others to watch and improve their own skills.
Personally I like number 15, always funny to talk about that one in the pub…
OK, you got me curious enough to google “horny gorilla”…