Flying is safer than driving

Well, to be perfectly fair, if Julio starts to distinguish between different types of flying, we could also start to differentiate between different types of driving. Driving a regular car on a Nevada highway is probably orders of magnitudes safer than driving a moped in Hanoi, for instance. Those of you who ever visited Vietnam and crossed a street there know what I’m talking about.

And how come we never talk about the dangers of walking? I remember a chapter in one of the “Freakonomics” books about drunk walking, and how it is more dangerous than drunk driving, per distance covered. (Of course you’re less likely to hurt others when walking and, of course, nobody is advocating drunk driving!) Still, I wonder how dangerous sober walking is. Probably still less dangerous than sleeping in your bed, which is how most people die.

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2 comments on “Flying is safer than driving
  1. Jean Loup says:

    The danger nowadays are CELLPHONES, even people that die in bed have their cellphones conected with earphones. Now it is safer to be drunk, because you drop the Cell & it brakes hiting the floor. Even the Mexican Police talk on their cellphones when they stop someone because of driving with the cellphone in their hands & ears. No problem, it’s only money they want NOT your safety.

  2. eekee says:

    There’s posters along the local canal saying walkers are the most likely to drown. Raising awareness is a fine thing, but I can’t help but notice two contributing factors: cyclists are diverted onto a different path for almost half the length, and there are several times more walkers than cyclists to start with.

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