Chuck is late again

Who all in the coop has used the occasional excuse for being late? I sure have, although I make sure I only use one at a time, LOL. Being the captain on the 9-person crew has an advantage. They can’t really leave the hotel without me in the morning or the helicopter won’t move that day. However, and this keeps happening to me more frequently lately, I am also often the oldest guy on the crew and it just looks bad to have everybody wait on you. So, I always try my best to be early and rather “give” the look Hans is giving Chuck in this strip to the occasional late mechanic instead of “receiving” said look.

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One comment on “Chuck is late again
  1. DeanRW says:

    Captains should set the example. This time Hans is doing it right, it seems. As he once said: «Some people are just born to lead». Ok, back then he had just ordered Weißwurst and Sauerkraut for lunch, overruling his crew’s wish for pizza…

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