Pick two

Long time, no strip!

First off, a (belated) Happy New Year to all of you! I hope 2025 is treating you well so far. And apologies for the long hiatus. One of my many New Year’s resolutions is to be more consistent again in posting strips here, but truth be told, it won’t be weekly for the foreseeable future.

Life keeps being a bit of a juggling act … balancing time with my kids, earning a living (this website doesn’t pay the bills), and keeping small remnants of having a social life. That said, Chicken Wings isn’t going anywhere! Your patience and support mean the world to us, and we’re grateful you’re along for the ride.

Speaking of patience, I know some of you have reached out about the website’s comic navigation being broken. Trust me, we hear you! The issue stems from our website being built on an outdated WordPress theme that’s no longer supported. Fixing it would require essentially rebuilding the whole site from scratch. That’s a massive project that’s been lingering on my to-do list. It’s not a quick fix, and unfortunately, hiring a developer for this isn’t in our budget.

But rest assured, it’s on my radar, and I’ll tackle it when I can. In the meantime, thanks for your understanding and for continuing to visit, read, and laugh with us.

Here’s to a fantastic year ahead! At least, we’ll be trying to brighten it with our Roost Air antics!



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One comment on “Pick two
  1. JPKalishek says:

    I’ve had that boss.
    They’re out of business, now.

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