Overnight inspection
I think we’ve all experienced situations where we had to go the extra mile and e.g. work or study through the night. And coffee, energy drinks and loud music are definitely good resources to support such endeavors.
When you’re young it’s kinda cool, and your body is more forgiving. The older I get, and the harder it is to regenerate on the following day though. As a student, my drug of choice for long nights of studying was green tea. As an older guy now, my drug of choice is avoiding such situations outright and going to bed in time, haha! As a father, that sweet ambrosia of sleep is denied more often than I’d like. But things are improving as the kids grow older…
I really admire people who have to do night shifts in their jobs. But I don’t envy them! So here’s a shoutout to all you awesome women and men who keep our society up and running while the rest of us is sleeping!
If he is helping julio doing the inspections, chuck can not be such a bad pilot after all.
In the early days of the aéropostale, the boss, daurat, mandated the wannabe pilots to work as mechanic at least 6 month before he would let them fly. And mermoz, st-exupery and all the other great guys that have worked here did it. Maybe that was a part of what made them so great pilots at the end of the day. I’m pretty sure daurat was right and that this should have stayed the rule.
So maybe chuck has also a brighter future one may think…
At the risk of giving away a punchline…[possible spoiler – don’t say you weren’t warned]…
…there are only two things that I can think of that are worse than a last-minute and/or late-night flight or inspection like that. The first is getting it done against all odds, and probably in such a way as to take a year or two off of the lifespan (junk food, acute stress, coffee overdose, etc), only to find out that the schedule has changed again and there was no need to go the extra mile in the first place. The second is delaying the (required) inspection until just after the point when it becomes the most inconvenient to take the aircraft off the line, but can no longer be delayed in order to take advantage of that window because of (inspection) time-in-service requirements. If I had a nickel every time one of those two situations – or both – showed up, I’d probably have enough nickels to make a joke about owning a nickel every time it happened.