yeah, you're right chuckar

(and a BIG Duh! for me...) the tail looks just like comanche's. besides, the eagle had a conventional tail rotor. that version, if my research is right, was trying the tail rotor for the LHX program (later Comanche). another thing sikorsky tried with the s-76 was the cockpit instrumentation layout for the same program. quoting:
The purpose was to study the MANPRINT or human engineering interface between the pilot and the cockpit controls and displays. The cockpit was the prototype of a single-pilot cockpit designed for use on the prototype RAH-66 Comanche armed reconnaissance helicopter. The cockpit was designed so sensors would feed data to the pilot through helmet mounted displays. The MANPRINT study determined that single-pilot operation of the Comanche was unsafe, and would result in pilot overload. As result of this study, the Comanche was designed to be operated by a crew of two.