I see I can't attach the eiffel.mov due to the last name but I just remembered another wild video. Have you all seen the show Mythbusters, here shown on Discovery. They tried to test a myth about a taxi blown over by driving behind a jet taking off and they had to use Hollywood windmachines since the 737 airliner got cold feet due to insurance, at least I hink it was a 737, but basically the car came close to tipping but not quite but I can't remember if they called it busted or not but it can happend. The english car-show Top Gear destroyed a perfectly good Ford Mondeo (those rotten... I could've used it, seriously, heck it's a dreamcar of mine) by driving it behind 1, one! 747 engine and it got was hurled like a baseball in a major league game. I now found a mpg, just under 1 mb, appearently part of a instructional video for airport crew, where a firetruck, yes truck, is pulled behind a 747, and dude is that truck blown away litterally!

If anyone hasn't seen it and want to just ask (to the best of my knowledge it's not illegal to share that clip, and I hope I'm right).