1.If a cessna 172 is tied doan to the ground with very strong cables,and a wind coming from in fornt of him,will the cessna airborn? and if it will,the pilot can move the plain in its place?
Purely hypothetical, of course it could! Think flying a kite.. And the pilot would still have the controls working. Practically, however, well..
2.Is it possible that a beoing 747 sitting on the runway and start moving forward,and the runway is a belt spinning the opposite directio at the same speed the plane is moving,will the plane airborn? consider that the wheels can implode
If the wheels can spin (no brakes), why not? All it would do would be to spin the wheels at twice the speed producing a little more friction. As with the above question, it's all about the air flowing through the wings. Nothing to do with what the plane does or what the wheels do or what the ground does. As long as the air (that is relative airspeed for you
) produces lift it will fly!
Now for an actual 747? only an engineer could tell you if the wheels can handle it and it sure will need more runway to get to the air.
3.A plane was taken to outer space,they put some cells that produce air from nothing o the engines,will the plane move forward because of the exhaust gases?
Yea, a jet engine that is! That is exactly what spacecrafts do! They burn stored oxygen (air in your question) and fuel and push the "exhaust gases" backwards to move forward..
A propeller aircraft of course won't! Props move the air backwards so if there's no air to push then nothing will happen
4.Can anyone give me the aviation's ABC? (alfa,bravo,cahrlie,delta...)
Alfa Bravo Charlie Delta Echo Foxtrot Golf Hotel India Juliet Kilo Lima Mike November Oscar Papa Quebec Romeo Sierra Tango Uniform Victor Whiskey X-ray Yankee Zulu
5.Is it possible that a plane will got hit by the missile he launched?
No, or at least, I hope not
It's moving at many times your speed and it's looking the other way. Quite impossible to have it cross your path again, see you, lock on you and still have enough energy (speed) to track you and hit you.. Those missiles' engines actually only run for just a few seconds.
That's my try, hope I've nailed it! Guys?