Gibbo: Bingo!
I only found it earlier tonight when I found a FS2004-model of it at Simviation and then found that picture online, really wild looking plane!
Edit: Oh I never doubted it was real, I just found it interesting how much it looked like Gerry's work, although maybe it's the other way around, he was inspired from planes like this?
Many planes in Crimson Skies were almost directly copies of real-life developed/planned concepts from around WWII, even some of the wilder ones, like the Warhammer with three engines, one in the middle and one on each wingtip and then the cockpit directly in front of the small tail, that was a german design by Blohm and Voss I think (also made for FS2004 btw). The Bloodhawk was also a german design (canard wing, underside tail, pusher-prop).