Wow, what a great increase in popularity and fun for this thread, and very much on topic too (not that it's crucial in this forum). It's really great to see that a lifting-body works on light GA's as well, I'd been thinking of such a design too but wasn't sure if would need fly-by-wire controls for stability since I'd prefer a design that aerodynamically stable, as opposed to the F16 for instance that according to what I've heard can't fly without constant automatic control-surface adjustments.
From the looks of that FacetMobile then it's possible to build an aircraft with a lifting-body that needs practically no conventional wings, or at most maybe some stub-wings which will probably create a lot of attention from onlookers on the ground when you fly over them

I also heard a lifting-body fuselage shape is a lot safer in a crash as opposed to the classic tube-shape.
I see Brian just posted yet another plane. I've got no idea what it is but it does look nice and elegant.
Have all the previous planes been ID'ed yet though?
Thanks for the link to the page with the WIG's including the Colani-version, very interesting indeed and I don't think I've seen that version before now, really elegant shape, as usual for him with his organic based style
