I knew I shouldn't have posted the ejector seat, that was a dead giveaway wasn't it?
He also said it was the first with a pressurised cockpit.
Yes it's an owl, but not just any owl, it's an owl that doesn't exist! When they found it they contacted the germans and they insist it doesn't exist because they've got a register of every plane wether it was taken by the americans afterr WWII, shot down or crashed, and nothing is listed as having been near here. The wreckage had no bullet holes so it wasn't shot down, and the props are bent like it made a belly landing, but the engine block is cracked. They examined the tyres and found out they'd only ever landed twice but it's the plane or just the tyres that were new is anybody's guess. Another interesting detail is that there was no ammo onboard, and it wasn't painted in the normal two-tone camo paint as the one in USA, it was in desert-camo which makes it even more strange it's way up here. Sadly the tail is gone and so far they haven't been able to find any other ID markings although he hopes there's something when they clean up the cockpit.