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Quote from: airtac on May 29, 2007, 01:01:51 AMBaradium is right---it was a B-25, preciseness is paramount in aviation, even if you are just flying a tower......Oh Dear!---am I being churlish again?In his defense... he was very precise... just not accurate.
Baradium is right---it was a B-25, preciseness is paramount in aviation, even if you are just flying a tower......Oh Dear!---am I being churlish again?
Have a look here and tell me what you think..
Here's another picture of my mom's new handicap-car, this time where we still live on the island. For those that know my history, that house there is where my oldest uncle lived until he died of a suddent heart attack just two weeks after we moved over from Odense.
Not near as cool as those airplanes, but here is the moonrise from the old farm driveway here tonight... frogs peeping and quail talking... a pretty night in Idaho.