I'm glad you like it. It's the Moose Creek airport in central Idaho. There are 2 grass runways, I think elevation is only 2400 feet or so, and the long runway (you're looking down the canyon along its departure path) is something like 4000 feet long. It's a SWEET place.. just gorgeous. The USFS mows it and it is in immaculate condition. There is a ranger station there. You usually land (up-canyon) on the shorter runway (at an agle to the long canyon you can see) and take off down-canyon, out the way way you're looking, past the airplane.
It has had its share of accidents but I would bet it's the nicest, longest grass strip in the state. That Champ had a whopping 85 HP and no starter... I would only get one day off at a time in the summer, and would save up all my gas pennies (literally) to fly over there and then hike up the river for the day, come back at sunset so it would be cooler to take off, and then head home to Montana. I love that picture because it puts me right back there, and I can almost smell the grass under the tires.