Hi Franz!
cool, did you participate in the competition? yeah, I know all of the guys who went there. Pity I'm not in the cross country team, they went to Utah about a month before going to Germany.They get lots of competition time as well as training time in their gliders, while I get to play instructor and try and recover from every stupid mistake the students do to try and kill me. I am becoming a believer in that every student's whole plan is to see who can kill their IP...
anyway, now I'm in a different program. I'm in Tyndall AFB, Fl., trying to learn how a USAF base works. basically, every day I go to a different part of the base and check it out. This base in particular has 3 fighter squadrons, and that means I got to sit in these:
Unfortunately, I couldn't take pics or see anything on the screen because it's classified, and I don't have a classified qualification because I'm an international. the other guys in my group all got F-15 rides but I didn't qualify for the same reason... damn. still, it's cool to go outside and hear F-15s and F-22s taking off every 3 minutes, and since they're doing NVG flights now, I can do the same at night, with a beer in hand.
anyway, some other pics. I won the M-16 shooting competition among my cadet group (39 out of 50 on a standard USAF target) and got to shoot this