Hi guys,it's been a long time since i dropped some pictures in here,isn't it? so I'll post some new and old stuff i wanted to post
a long time ago
A police jetranger named Lahav

A AH-64 Apache buzzing around

Probably my best shot of a UH-60 Blackhawk

Two AH-64 returning from a patrol

This is the first time i see something like this- a CH-53 escorted by UH-60

A classic shot of a UH-60

Not shopped! i swear!

This one is almost three years old!

Sunshine through a TV

A few months ago i was in a music festival called In-D-Negev,here is a little taste of what was going on in there
The tent-there was about 700~1000 tents!


Bigger kites

The official monkey of In-D-Negev

In the sunset

Look at all those people!

There were 2500 tickets sold,that is 2,500 peoples in the festival,everyone goes around four time a day for the bathroom,that is 10,000 visits a day,and the amazing thing-they were cleaner then the bathroom i got!

And of course - planes!
P-92 ultralight

Fishy fishy fishy fish

Some juggling

And some music (in this case-Pits,i got their disc)

Not In-D-Negev related; this is probably my bets shot(s),it's the moon with the camera's shutters open for 3 seconds,it's made from nine shots. note the halo ring around the moon. (this is intentionally a link,the image is HUGE)
http://i71.photobucket.com/albums/i158/nty-kun/moonhalofinished.jpgSorry about the size difference between the images!