I do all mine thhrough my rich uncle
www.myrichuncle.com Interest rates arent to bad i guess, my one loan is at like 8.6 on 20 years for 22k. They are private loans, and send you a check you can put in your bank account. I also am using Sallie Mae for a couple of loans. Though I'm not sure either one of these will loan you money if youre not actually in a college.
Something you may consider. I know you already have a bachalor degree. However from the coperate pilots that come and talk to us, business's arent really looking for full time pilots. Most of the guys that want to be that type of pilot at UND go for an Aviation Management degree. Its actually degree out of hte business school, not the aerospace school. You get all of your ratings, up to CF double I if you want, but you also get a business degree. This makes you more attractive to a company in that, they can put you to use doing something. If youre considering this, im sure your current degree will transfer many if not all of the credits making your time here very short. And if you get your private on the outside, you wont have to take a full private course here, you'd take 105 or 112, which is only about 12 flights. I know guys that come in with a private and in a year and a half they have all their ratings and are out.
In addition to that, becuase UND is so big, we have a lot of connections that smaller FBO's dont have. Pennical, Mesaba, Horizion, America West, Sky West, and all kinds of other companes come to us to hire. I know Pennical comes out every December, and picks up about 40-50 new first officers every year. Horizion came out last April and hired 150 guys. Something also I think that helps guys here is the life. You as a pilot live aviation from the time you begin till you end. You have to study for stage checks, you have to know your stuff. All the professors here either were Airliner captains, stunt pilots, or controllers. Severl have PhD in aerospace topics, and one guy, (probably the smartest guy ive ever met) has teo PhD's one in aerospace physics, and the other in aerospace engineering. Geting your stuff out of a FBO, it may be easy for you to slack off, not study, scrape by. You may also have a hard time finding someone that actually knows what they are doing.