Author Topic: Underwater Egress Training  (Read 5151 times)

Offline cj5_pilot

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Underwater Egress Training
« on: October 26, 2006, 10:26:46 PM »
Was wondering how many folks have recieved this training.  I took it a couple years ago and found the information valuable.  It was a two day gig.  The Coast Guard gave us about a 2 hour presentation on Search and Rescue as well as egress at the college in Anchorage.  Then over the weekend they were at the pool with a pair of simulators (aluminum tubing on floats with a plexiglass window and safety belt).  They told us to show up dressed as we would if we were flying.  They then walked us through the steps of what to do in the event of a water landing (lots of float planes in Alaska!).  Then they turned the simulator upside down and you had to get out.  It was well worth the time to go!  Some of the braver souls let the Divers (it was a helicopter team of both divers and pilots that gave the course) spin the simulator several times to disorient you for an even more realistic situation. The also brought a couple of rescue suits of the type they sometimes drop to people in the water.  Even in the warm pool they were difficult to try to put on.  Imagine being in cold salt water with waves bashing you around! 

Here in Alaska, every few years, somebody drowns in a plane--not always the pilot.  I hope to get my wife to go to the next one even though she's not a pilot.  I encourage anyone that flies around water a lot or flies on floats to think about taking this training.  Besides being fun it's useful.  Some folks charge to put this class on.  The USCG one I was at was free.
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Re: Underwater Egress Training
« Reply #1 on: October 26, 2006, 11:43:26 PM »
I had the training many years ago in the USMC. You're right- it's invaluable.

How did you find out about the training? Is there a website that can be checked?

Severasl years ago, I went to a high altitude flight refresher that the Air Force offered and wouldn't mind refreshing the water survival skills, being as I fly in Florida!

Offline cj5_pilot

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Re: Underwater Egress Training
« Reply #2 on: October 27, 2006, 07:24:31 PM »
When I lived in Kenai the local pool advertised it.  I actually did it in Anchorage after I moved to Wasilla, and the Anchorage FSDO had sent out a flier to all the pilots in the area.  I haven't recieved a flier for anything from them in a while, so I need to figure out why.  I actually enjoy the FAA safety meetings.  It's always hilarious during the Q & A part at the end...first thing they say is "We'll take any question...just don't ask about field approvals please!"

The average pilot, despite the sometimes swaggering exterior, is very much capable of such feelings as love, affection, intimacy and caring. These feelings just don't involve anyone else.