Just for the record, I don't have doubts about the fact that there is indeed global warming.
The one point still open to conjecture is IF mankind has any real appreciable contributory effect. The scientific community is still out on that one, and if one listens to the fear mongers, one might never step out of one's house, much less exhale.
Until there is verifiable, undeniable proof that mankind can have a significant impact, I'm not going to take measures that would be expensive for me personally, nor inconvienient.
All too many times in history we've been warned about things that we are doing that are good, or bad, and then, later, we come to find out that it's either not true, or the opposite is true.
Until the jury comes in, I'm keeping an open mind. One thing is for certain.... the climate on this planet, and indeed any planet with some form of atmosphere, is cyclic. Even the sun itself goes through cyclic changes and periods of high and low sunspot activity. I suspect the same is true with heating and cooling cycles of the planet.
Considering there is far more pollution in a single volcanic eruption than mankind can produce collectively over a much, much longer time span, I think we can safely say that any contributory effect by mankind is minimal in all liklihood.
And, nature has a way of cleaning itself up too. Remnants of oil spills even dissappear over time.
Just my two cents