To the S76: Working on this type I can tell you that on this picture the nose strut is not properly locked down. It is tilted slightly back. That is what the engineer is looking at. Had the same situation in Africa once. Btw.: there ARE two pilots on board. Don’t forget, the captain in a helicopter is on the right seat (in both ways of meaning). One can see BOTH pilots.
Sorry to disappoint you, but believe me, there
is no two pilots inside the helicopter. My other photos prove that. And, best yet, the pilot in command on that very photo is sitting on the
left seat. That white thing you see "on the right seat" is not a human at all but it's a jacket or something like that... That I don't know if that guy checking the gear is actually the captain and if he wanted to check the things by himself and told the co-pilot to move the copter. On my other photos where that copter is just arriving, the very same guy, who is now checking the photo, is sitting on the right seat...