Inflight Entertainment > Chicken Wings recipies

tuna veal

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Mates, it makes almost a month I'm not posting any recipe (Looks like I'm on diet!  :) summer bikini test?!?).........
So.....Here you are! that's quite a light dish, really good for summertime. And quite easy to prepare.

Wrap the veal (1 kg)  in a cloth and put in in a casserole with bouillon made with (water + white vinegar) celery (3 or 4 legs), carrots (300 g), an half onion, some laurel leafs and some of sage and salt. Let it boil for 2 hrs. A part, you’ve to prepare mayo with 2 eggs (the more the yolk is firm the better), some mustard (a teaspoon), the juice of half a lemon, pepper and olive oil. Put in a mixer the tuna (100 g) and the anchovies (100 g) and the capers (50 g). Mix. Get the mayo together. If the sauce is too firm, you add some bouillon. Put it in the fridge. Take the veal out. Unwrap. Wait for it to be cold, then cut in really thin slices.Get a big plate, put the veal slices there, get the sauce and cover the veal with it. Enjoy!

PS: Roland, I tried the Kaiserschmarren. wow  :D :D! It was a taste I remembered from a really short trip to Wien and well they sorted out nicely, even if it was me cooking! I've not tried Wienerschnitzel yet on the contrary, since the last time I prepared it I found myself with 2 carbonized schitzel, an oily kitchen and an ex who had to take me out for a pizza instead (it probably was one of the reasons for being an ex! :) I still like better when it's my mom preparing hassles)!...I must be psychologically prepared that day I try to cook it again!

Nite nite mates!!


--- Quote from: happylanding on July 15, 2006, 10:14:27 PM ---......Let it boil for 2 hrs......
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2 hours?? that's quite a long time, is this a typo or you really meant 2 hours? oh, and does it really have to have anchovies??


--- Quote from: plthijnx on August 26, 2006, 06:27:50 PM ---
--- Quote from: happylanding on July 15, 2006, 10:14:27 PM ---......Let it boil for 2 hrs......
--- End quote ---
2 hours?? that's quite a long time, is this a typo or you really meant 2 hours? oh, and does it really have to have anchovies??

--- End quote ---

2 hrs, yes, I'm sure! And about anchovies....In the original recipe (it's a quite usual summer dish here) there are and let be assured that you won't taste them a lot. So, if you do not taste them when they are there, I'm sure that without won't make a lot of difference!

ok, 2 hours, it just seems that that would overcook the meat. veal is already tender, but is this a way to tenderize it more?


--- Quote from: plthijnx on August 26, 2006, 07:49:55 PM ---ok, 2 hours, it just seems that that would overcook the meat. veal is already tender, but is this a way to tenderize it more?

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It usually stays incredibly tender... I will anyhow ask my mom if she does it cooking for less time, in a different way that what the recipe states. but I also think it's maybe a way to let it catch the taste of the veggies inside the bouillon. the slices then, when cut, must be really thin (so, it's better if you've an automatic knife) and when you cover all with the sauce, you almost do not need any knife....


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