Aside from having worked on their avionics, a lot of my fondness for F/A 18s comes from the howl their engines make. F-16s and AV-8s just make a lot of racket. F-14s screech and whine. F/A 18s howl like a banshee coming to reap souls. I've been surprised by each of these airplanes doing one thing or another, and the most lasting impressions definitely go to the 18s.
Plus, when they come by, barely under the speed of sound, you can hear a bit of a "whoop" just before you hear the engine boom. They are the most audibly satisfying jet around, IMO.
The best audio experience from airplanes still goes to a certain flight of immaculately painted red Stearmans with 450hp radials. I will be really sad the day the Red Baron Squadron retires from show perfomances.