Inflight Entertainment > Chicken Wings recipies
spelt salad
Hello Mates.....
so, summer has finally come! Sunny days, hot temperatures! time to go to the lake, swim, take some picnics and get some tan (when not flying!)! ::)
here you find a light and good recipe for a really easy salad that has a great taste.
All you need is:
spelt, cherry tomatoes, tuna, basil, olive oil, pepper, salt and.....say, a little bit of fantasy. ;)
You should check how to cook the spelt grains (they look like a double rice grain, greyish/brownish) since it depends (some kind needs 24 hours waiting in a bowl of water, before being cooked….and the package could tell you the right quantity, since I usually cook a lot and eat it during some days) then must wait for it to be cold. The best solution is to prepare it some hours before cooking and give it the time to cool down by itself and in fridge.
then you cut the cherry tomatoes in two, open a can of tuna, cut some basil, open a can of mais and throw the quantity you like on the spelt grains and mix. do not forget olive oil and salt and pepper, as you like. Basically, you can prepare the salad with the ingredients you like better: so you can add and mix others too: it's up to your fantasy.
--- Quote from: happylanding on June 15, 2006, 10:17:50 AM ---Basically, you can prepare the salad with the ingredients you like better: so you can add and mix others too: it's up to your fantasy.
--- End quote ---
...basically you're telling us to take whatever we like, put all together in a bowl, add olive oil, salt and pepper...
.....and at the end call it "spelt salad", confirm?!!? ???
;D ;D ;D ;D
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