Basically yes. Sad thing is, the first two, DCA and the guy at MCO tracon were actually supes, not controllers.
The ones that have been 'caught' sleeping, as well as the one with the movie on were all CPC's. The whole Miami Center debacle is pretty embarrassing, where she caught the guy sleeping and earlier that day he had turned her in for an airspace deviation.
I've heard, and this hasn't come out yet so I'm not sure if its just rumor or what, but last week two more were found sleeping too. We shall see....
To boil it down, basically our work schedule is horrible and the FAA wont do anything about it. We work counter rotating shifts (which the FAA even acknowledges attributes to fatigue), and most controllers have two quick turns within a week (8 hours between shifts). They've been fighting this fight for the last 25 years or so since the PATCO strike, and NOTHING has changed. Only now is it coming to the surface......
Thank god we got Bin Laden to take the heat off us for awhile