Inflight Entertainment > Chicken Wings recipies

swiss italian seriously alcoholic recipe for pilot

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I see you like alcohol, so here we are. That’s a recipe of a typical swiss italian liqueur: the RATAFIÀ.

2 litres of alcohol (24 degrees)
39 walnuts: you should recollect the on St. John night (24th of June) or around that time cut in 4 (they are still green): get a Stryker, because it’s quite hard!
10 clove buds
1 stick of cinnamon
the peel of a medium average lemon.

Put all the ingredients in a big vase (that you can close) and expose it to the sun for 40 days, mixing it up from time to time.
Around the first days of august you take everything again in the kitchen, and you boil 4 dl of water, adding  1 kg of sugar. You leave everything there till it cools down, then you put the water and sugar in the big vase with all the other ingredients. Before bottling you have to sift everything. After 6 months (around X mas more or less) you can drink it.

Nusschnaps that is! (nut-shnaps).

Ok. you forgot to tell us WHERE we are supposed to kollect those nuts. (No, I'm not nuts!)

AND: one gts very brounish fingers (khaki) for DAYS!


--- Quote from: happylanding on May 31, 2006, 01:03:31 PM ---Mates,
I see you like alcohol, so here we are. That’s a recipe of a typical swiss italian liqueur: the RATAFIÀ.

2 litres of alcohol (24 degrees)
39 walnuts: you should recollect the on St. John night (24th of June) or around that time cut in 4 (they are still green): get a Stryker, because it’s quite hard!
10 clove buds
1 stick of cinnamon
the peel of a medium average lemon.

--- End quote ---
That's a really good idea! I know this stuff and you can't stop drinking it....
But you forgot one essential thing: gloves!! you need them for cutting the green walnuts. Otherwise you will have black finers / hands for exactly 40 days... I recommend the thin, white gloves which are used in hospitals, you know, these ones they use..... no more details :D


--- Quote from: Roland on May 31, 2006, 01:11:58 PM ---Nusschnaps that is! (nut-shnaps).

Ok. you forgot to tell us WHERE we are supposed to kollect those nuts. (No, I'm not nuts!)

AND: one gts very brounish fingers (khaki) for DAYS!

--- End quote ---

Ops, you're right! Don't you know any farmer? I usually call farmers in the country here and ask, some days before the 24th. I'm sure you can find some near where you live.....


--- Quote from: happylanding on May 31, 2006, 03:51:57 PM ---
--- Quote from: Roland on May 31, 2006, 01:11:58 PM ---Nusschnaps that is! (nut-shnaps).

Ok. you forgot to tell us WHERE we are supposed to kollect those nuts. (No, I'm not nuts!)

AND: one gts very brounish fingers (khaki) for DAYS!

--- End quote ---

Ops, you're right! Don't you know any farmer? I usually call farmers in the country here and ask, some days before the 24th. I'm sure you can find some near where you live.....

--- End quote ---

Ah, I see, it could be ANY tree. I just thought to ask because you have been so precise in all the other points. So I thought there is a very special tree…(well, you know, ahm, you’re from Swizerland and we all know, ahm, you are very precise and so ahm, I, ahm,…) ::)

So I can go into my garden and take the walnuts from my tree? But before the 24th of June, right? Is that UTC?


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