This is a 10 minute short movie, flying with the Blue Angels. Done by the producers of "16-R", "16-L" and "Aviation Epic".
First go and wait until the buffering is done. When the Intro starts, click on SHARE & DOWNLOAD bottom right of video image.
That opens the embed codes (SHARE, left side of screen), and the BURN YOUR OWN DVD: DOWNLOAD DVD FILES (DOWNLOAD, right side of screen) you should CLICK to have the files on your PC/Lap. It's a 548 MB zip file, takes a whyle crocodile. After the download is completed, you unzip the files, take a DVD-R to burn them with NERO (or other options: there is a README .pdf file on unzipped folder, inside the Flying Full Circle DVD file: NOT on the MACOSX folder). On that same folder you have the ISO file DVD (Flying Full Circle 576.554 KB image files) you should burn on the new DVD-R.
Hoppefully you have a DVD RW on your PC/Lap...if not, embed the codes on your Blog (not HD, but a You Tube file instead)
Click thumbnail for BIG image:
of PA-18 arriving at Oshkosh