A young man enters into a drugstore and ask the pharmacist for a condom. “You know…this evening I go to my fiancée home, for a dinner. She is so much horny I’m for sure going to lay her”. The pharmacist hands him a condom, he pays and go out. After some minutes he comes back and ask for another condom “you know, my fiancée’s sister is...well, ya know, she is horny too. So, tonight I’m going to lay her too…”. The pharmacist hands him a condom, he pays and go out. After some minutes he comes back and ask for another condom “you know, my fiancée’s mother is so much horny…that’s sure that tonight I’m going to have a gorgeous night, you know? I’ll actually get a full box of condom and enjoy this night, several times with my fiancée, every position, ohhhh she is so much oversexed, and then her sister, gosh, so titillating and then her mom…she is old, but you know, you see she is a provocative female”. The pharmacist nods, get him a package, the young man pays and goes away.
At evening, he is seated near his fiancée, at her parent’s house, waiting for dinner. “Who says the prayers tonight?”, ask the mother “oh, why don’t you say them for us?” looking at the young man. “Okay. Then…….Dear dear dear dear God, we thank you for this dinner, and we thank you for this home, and for the people around us. And we thank you for the sun, and the water and the world and for the fact blablablablablablablablablablablablabla….” Going on, eyes fixed to the table, for ten minutes and more straight.
After that the girlfriend ask him “Oh my dear, I did not know you were such a believer!” and she gets this reply: “I’m not usually, but you did not tell your dad is a pharmacist……..”