Author Topic: What have you flown so far?  (Read 202280 times)

Offline TheSoccerMom

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Re: What have you flown so far?
« Reply #180 on: March 28, 2007, 07:24:15 PM »

What was the Cessna doing on the fire?

Usually when we have a BAD DAY with another aircraft, it's a transient airplane who sees smoke and says "OOOH, cool, let's look!" and then they try to kill all the rest of us.    ::complaining:    In THIS case, however, it was a government patrol plane, sent out to just cruise the National Forest just south of the Forest where our fire was.  When this happens, one dispatch office is supposed to call the adjacent areas and say "Hey, we got a start up on Mt. So-and-so, we're sending a lead and tanker out there, they'll be on Victor 124.55 (whatever)."  "Border fires" are a red flag...  (right Mikey?) ...usually one area uses one air-to-air freq and so you run the risk of bumping into other folks out there, but on different freqs.  So, you always have the other guys' freq's.

Make sense?  Anyway, when we got the fire call, I asked dispatch to be sure they called the adjacent forest, because it was obviously right near the border.  They DID, yet their patrol plane just happened to be near the ridge, saw the wisp of smoke from behind the mountain, so thought they'd "just come over and make sure where it was".  Well, that's a fine idea when you know there are NO OTHER AIRCRAFT responding.  They flat SCREWED UP.

It was a nice little fire, early morning so no wind, we dry-ran it and then came around for the drops.  The tanker was right behind me, and we were on short final, when it happened.  I never saw them...  the tanker guy right on my butt said they would have taken off the tail of the Baron.  He just happened to catch a flash, and he just screamed "TURN!  NOW!" and I was so shocked and so startled, I just rolled hard left.  Thanks to the slippery little Baron, we all missed each other.  We came around, did the drop, reported it on the radio, went back to base, and I was in much more of a daze than the tanker captain, who was positively going to go find whomever was in that "%^%#%^^^ airplane", and kill them with his bare hands.  Which seemed like a very nice idea, to me.  "Yup..  sounds good."  And boy, this guy could have done it in about 2 seconds.

They had been told our victor frequency, but were just listening to their own frequenecy.  They knew what they did, but never did contact us or apologize, or anything.  They flew back to their airport and so the murder never took place, but boy, I have no doubt it would have. 

There are too many instances of being "surprised" like this...  as Jim and Mike and all the other fire guys know all too well.  Last summer we even had some idiot who kept trying to circle right at the edge of the column, but he sure picked the bad side, and so about got run over by it.  I called the military guys we were flight-following with, told him we had a single-engine low-wing and he needed to get the HELL OUT NOW.  The controller got on and harped at an airplane (whom he had been talking to earlier and felt could only be the same guy).  We never heard any response, but suddenly the guy flew away.  Grrr-rrrrr.

So...  I still love that tanker pilot.   :-* 
Don't make me come back there!!!!

Offline TheSoccerMom

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Re: What have you flown so far?
« Reply #181 on: March 28, 2007, 11:26:19 PM »
Hola DonYan!!   ::wave::

Wow, you are right, the Angel got her? (his?) wings clipped!!!  Oh dear, can that be right for a CHICKEN group??  Hmmm....

Yes, that guy saved my butt-ski for sure.  AND, the folks in the other plane, too.  He would have probably passed right over our flaming ball of wreckage.  (OOoh, a new spot for the drop!)    ;)

I ran into him a few years ago, on a busy ramp, and he introduced me to his new copilot.  While shaking the guy's hand, I nodded toward Steve and said "You know, he saved my life."  And the copilot laughed, and said "Yeah, right."  So I said, "No..  he really DID.  He saved my life."  And the kid just guffawed and said "Oh sure...  yeah." 

Steve just stood there with a big grin, as if to say "New guys!!!"   ::)   and just kept grinning.  He never said a word, just gave me a big bear hug and kept grinning.    ::angel::

I am guessing the kid figured it out before too long..... or else quit.      8)   
Don't make me come back there!!!!

Offline TheSoccerMom

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Re: What have you flown so far?
« Reply #182 on: March 28, 2007, 11:43:24 PM »
HA HA!!!!!!  That's a good one!!  Well, this would be a pretty mellow version of dear Steve that day!! 

You probably could have heard the roaring stream of obscenities all the way from your place!   ::eek::

Don't make me come back there!!!!

Offline TheSoccerMom

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Re: What have you flown so far?
« Reply #183 on: April 02, 2007, 01:02:32 AM »
Oh, I forgot one...  it was only for a few minutes...  but it was worth remembering.....

The lovely Stearman......    |:)\
Don't make me come back there!!!!

Offline Franz

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Re: What have you flown so far?
« Reply #184 on: May 13, 2007, 12:52:33 PM »
Hi there,
I've got some gliders to add to this list:

K 7
Ka 8


DG-1000  (only 20 min, but with a Flight Instructor who likes doing some acro in the back seat   ;D 8) )

SZD-50 Puchacz

And two or three minutes of trying to hold a DR400 straight and level.

Edit: Put in some links
« Last Edit: May 13, 2007, 05:10:50 PM by Franz »


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Re: What have you flown so far?
« Reply #185 on: May 13, 2007, 03:58:16 PM »

I don't know any of those models so I'm impressed |:)\

Offline Frank N. O.

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Re: What have you flown so far?
« Reply #186 on: May 13, 2007, 06:15:16 PM »
Welcome Franz, nice list of aircraft there  ::wave::

"When once you have tasted flight, you will forever walk the earth with your eyes turned skyward, for there you have been, and there you will always long to return."
— Leonardo da Vinci

Offline happylanding

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Re: What have you flown so far?
« Reply #187 on: May 13, 2007, 07:20:31 PM »
Welcome among the chickens and chicks Franz!  |:)\
I give that landing a 9 . . . on the Richter scale.

Offline Frank N. O.

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Re: What have you flown so far?
« Reply #188 on: May 15, 2007, 10:46:32 PM »
A shame more people don't know about that great flight adventure but at least now us here will see it thanks to you and can give them a salute for a well done recordflight |:)\

"When once you have tasted flight, you will forever walk the earth with your eyes turned skyward, for there you have been, and there you will always long to return."
— Leonardo da Vinci

Offline Franz

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Re: What have you flown so far?
« Reply #189 on: May 17, 2007, 01:46:44 PM »
Bienvenido, don Franz. Here in México, sailplanes are non existant, and general aviation almost dissapeared. It survives with Skydive lessons and very few air taxis...Nobody followed a record flight during the last months, paragliders crossing México from the Pacific Ocean to the Gulf of México, over the NeoVolcanic chain.

As you must know, sailing with soft wings over high mountain ranges, requires high concentration/planning to avoid accidents. They all ended the flight last week safely, lots of photos from very remote (abandoned) places and cultures. The Central Sierra Madre is the Mexican continuation of the USA Appalachians.

That is definetly true. Although I have not yet flown in mountainous areas, I'm going to do so as soon as I get an opportunity. And you are right, from what I have heard from people who have been flying in the Alps, you should be properly prepared.Have a flight with an expirienced pilot from that area and a map marked with all the spots where you can land if you have to. I think it's a lot of fun to fly fast and right next to a ridge using its lift and watch people climb up those mountains. 8) ;D

Code: [Select]
[img][/img]Here is the Popocatéptl active volcano, 5,426 metres (17,802 feet) altitude. Below the Paraglider is the high plateau dessert.

It seems the first time they connected over high dessert areas, asnd it seems arecord fligh in the hisytory of Paragliders. Here in this country no media gave a HOOT!!! Only the Poli university public TV channel 11 (canal Once) reported the ending of this successfull private venture. I only have this link, in Spanish:

And a photo of where the flight ended: Gulf of México:
Code: [Select]
Hasta la vista, DonYan

Is is really sad that there is hardly anything in the media about GA as long as there are no accidents. Another example for such a record is a flight of 3000 (three thousand) km in the Andes with a glider four years ago. There were like two sentences on the bottom of the page in in the newspaper, but that was it.

Well, a Salute  |:)\ to the crew. I wonder how much more difficult it is to fly long distances in a paraglider. In a "normal" glider you have a bunch of instruments, a radio, GPS, parachute, . . ., but in a paraglider? I think that is very close to having your own wings.

Cu (I like that because it is a) short fo see you and b) an abbreviation for Cumulus, the kind of clouds all glider pilots like because they mark thermals)
all Franz

Offline Rooster Cruiser

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Re: What have you flown so far?
« Reply #190 on: May 17, 2007, 10:00:37 PM »
Boy, it's been a few years since I tallied a list of what I've flown.  Lemme see if I can remember them all...

The Pipers:

J3 Cub
Tomahawk (Traumahawk?)
Cherokee (various versions)
Semenhole... Seminole...  ::thinking::  Whatever

The Cessnas:

C310Q and R

The Beeches:

B55 Baron
C90 King Air




Great Lakes
Ford Tri-Motor (actually, a Bushmaster)
Pilatus PC-12
Swietzer 232
Pitts S2B

I'm always looking to add new experiences to my logbook, sooooooooo....  does anyone here have a P51 that I could mooch a ride from?  Heck, I'll settle for a T28!  Hehe.  Only kidding, but I'd love to add a few warbirds into my log entries.

"Me 'n Earl was haulin' chickens / On a flatbed outta Wiggins..."

Wolf Creek Pass, by CW McCall

Offline FlyboyGil

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Re: What have you flown so far?
« Reply #191 on: May 18, 2007, 12:04:14 AM »

I'm always looking to add new experiences to my logbook, sooooooooo....  does anyone here have a P51 that I could mooch a ride from?  Heck, I'll settle for a T28!  Hehe.  Only kidding, but I'd love to add a few warbirds into my log entries.

Warbirds rock!! I had 20 minutes on a Harvard (T-6 Texan down south). Not a really a warbird as it's a trainer, but still. THAT FLIGHT ROCKED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Once I get things straightend out here, get 200 hours, I'm definatley going for training on one!!

Offline undatc

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Re: What have you flown so far?
« Reply #192 on: May 18, 2007, 04:39:19 AM »
Ok, its been awhile since I updated my list as well;


the list goes on...
-the content of the previous post does not represent the opinions of the FAA or NATCA, and is my own personal opinion...

Offline Rooster Cruiser

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Re: What have you flown so far?
« Reply #193 on: May 18, 2007, 05:23:52 AM »

I'm always looking to add new experiences to my logbook, sooooooooo....  does anyone here have a P51 that I could mooch a ride from?  Heck, I'll settle for a T28!  Hehe.  Only kidding, but I'd love to add a few warbirds into my log entries.

Warbirds rock!! I had 20 minutes on a Harvard (T-6 Texan down south). Not a really a warbird as it's a trainer, but still. THAT FLIGHT ROCKED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Once I get things straightend out here, get 200 hours, I'm definatley going for training on one!!

Shoot!  I totally forgot the SNJ I flew about 4 years ago.  Makes me wonder what else I've forgotten...  Hehe

Oh yeah, I forgot to mention... I just love round engines!  They are a dying breed, and I miss them more and more while flying turboprops.  Makes me sad to see them fade away slowly like they are.
« Last Edit: May 18, 2007, 05:29:53 AM by Rooster Cruiser »
"Me 'n Earl was haulin' chickens / On a flatbed outta Wiggins..."

Wolf Creek Pass, by CW McCall

Offline Baradium

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Re: What have you flown so far?
« Reply #194 on: May 18, 2007, 08:48:25 AM »

Oh yeah, I forgot to mention... I just love round engines!  They are a dying breed, and I miss them more and more while flying turboprops.  Makes me sad to see them fade away slowly like they are.

Come to Alaska.  ;)

You know, DC-6s are actually quite fast airplanes.   Earlier today we were at our barber pole (by this time was at the Vne of 247 kts) with power in descending through 15,000 ft at a good clip and they were in cruise at 4,000 ft and we only had 50 kts on them.  They cruise around at over 200 indicated (something around 220 or so it seems).

Of course, I've heard that Everts is also the largest consumer of 100LL in the world... by an extremely large number...
« Last Edit: May 18, 2007, 08:52:32 AM by Baradium »
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In a world that keeps on pushin' me around
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