Uhmm..yeah...doing the math it's more 14-15 years actually. You're right.
Do you recognize the shirt Roland? It has a red Huey on it....
In a way I am kind of glad this one still flying. Oh, the memories....

@Frank: 6000+ hours comes from flying 600 to 800 hours a year for the last ten years.
And it's all REAL hands-on flight time with an average of 4 landings per flight hour (as compared to watching a computer fly you across the atlantic and then maybe make a landing if you don't feel like using autoland...)
Yeah 25hp is pretty exciting going down the runway forever bouncing up and down on that single wheel....
But hey, I was a young kid and I was flying!
Nothing else mattered at the time (plus you learn a lot about using and conserving minimum power...)
I am still utilizing my sailplane knowledge for my mountain helicopter flights belive it or not.