Talk about being in the armpit of nowhere..........

Oil patch company I used to fly for had a rental center there---I spent a few lonely nights in that hole!

Elk City is one of those places caught by the "Blue Laws" (or used to be) in that part of the world. Used to be, you couldn't go to a bar and just order a drink, You had to go to a state liquor store, buy a bottle which you would then take (unopened) to the bar where they would put your name on it and hold it for you. If you wanted a drink, you would the pay the bar to pour YOUR liquor into a glass of whatever mix you wanted----weird HUH?

Feel free to ask for a drink of my Tanguery gin---yeah, fat chance it'll still be there.
Last time I was there, February 1983 I believe, It was like minus 8 degrees F with a 30 knot wind blowing and I had to tip the line guys 40 bucks to preheat my engines, one at a time-----I started the left one first and had to sit in an unheated airplane while they did the right one, like to froze my butt off !