about an hour on a Piper Cherokee
Oh, I will never forget flying Pipers. The small pilot side windows leak in the rain and then flying for hours in a wet seat that my blue jeans simply soaked up.
My first flight was a normal checkout ride. Fly plane, practice stalls and recoveries and remember where the heck the airport is. Due to cloud cover, flew up to 7,000 feet and initiated an approach stall.
Slowed way down and pulled back on yoke. Suddenly there was this THUNK from the right wing. I was muttering THUNK??? and turning to look out the right window when suddenly my world turned upside down.

The Piper had automatic deployment landing gear just in case you forgot.
In my case, the checkout CFI "forgot" to tell me about it.
So, here I was at 7,000 feet, upside down and going down when the "THUNK" was heard this time from the left wing.
After I executed a graceful recovery, the CFI was laughing his head off and mentioning the stall warning device.
He will never know how close he was to exiting the aircraft through the small 4 inch square hole in the pilots window.