We have a few know-it-all jerks at our airport, and one of 'em lost control of his airplane a couple weeks ago. A really nice black-and-white
Decathlon Scout. He set it down on the tailwheel and messed it up, which slewed the airplane to the right, through the ditch and onto the
ramp. He started bugging me about whether I'd post that if I had recorded it... and I just kinda shrugged. He started yelling at me about
how I'd gone and put the TriPacer accident on Youtube, and bugged my boss enough that I just decided to take it down.
Hell, Harry (my boss) doesn't deserve to be treated like that, and I really do wish I'd recorded the dickhead's fumbled landing attempt. I do, however, have
a short clip of him starting a takeoff roll through a few people at a fly-in lunch (fortunately they were able to avoid being hit). Fella's gonna get someone hurt one of these days, and he yells
at me for having a camera handy.