Yay! Finally!!

So, do you wanna join up and join us and give us a little insight into the world of ATC there Jay??
Back to Top Gun:
Thanks to you guys I had to watch it again myself. Jay is right, it's all about the feeling of the movie!
I love the movie! When I was a kid I wanted to be a fighter pilot and just like they were in the movie.
And now, watching it again, it still makes me think that it depicts a way aviation is "supposed" to be (as I said before: in my little world where I am king and everybody loves me). Too bad you couldn't get away with any of what Maverick is doing in real life. But don't we all wish we could? I just had an FAA checkride today on two(!) aircraft at the same time...
Plus, let's mention this as well while I am at it: The love scene eveybody forwards through...wouldn't it be nice if it would work out like that in real life?

(keep in mind I am a cartoon guy and there is a reason for this...he he)
Another thing I see different now after being in aviation for a while. Have any of you guys ever worked for the movies or flown a camera? Do you have any idea how difficult it is to keep three or four aircraft in frame???...not to mention fast movers like that...
And I would like to agree with my brother on the music. Well done! I love it.
I also love the cheesy pick up lines Maverick uses. He is as good as Chuck only with a better track record. (I guess if you fly F-14's it doesn't matter how bad the lines are, hehe
..."Oh, so you are a pilot?" "That's right, a Naval Aviator!".....amazing)
but here I go rambling on... look at me!
"So, you're flying with Iceman?"
"That's MISTER Iceman for you!"
"OK Mav, let's turn and burn!"