Author Topic: >>>TOP GUN<<<  (Read 100356 times)

Offline Frank N. O.

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Re: >>>TOP GUN<<<
« Reply #15 on: March 13, 2006, 05:32:55 PM »
Yes Art Scholl was the person I thought of, flying in the Cessna 150 Aerobat that was somewhere labelled as a 152 Commuter (but isn't the blue and red checker-livery and the two roof windows unique to the Aerobat versions?). Btw the other plane wasn't that a Decathlon? (and the last a Tomahawk with the pilot wearing a old fighterhelmet :D).

I also think the stunt-flying in the canyon sequence is fantastic, one of the best around, that I've seen that is. Although the nose-wheel crash was so fake, and the full flaps clearly showing the plane would dust that bike in real life (or they might've just moved slowly for safety reasons).
I do think that it's quite strange that he could only fly good with music in his ears, even if it's a movie just for entertainment then that's far out, but then again a group of teenagers boosting a pair of fully armed F-16s is also far out so... :D

Btw, isn't it illegal or at least a bad idea to have music playing while flying? Aren't you supposed to monitor the aviation radio all the time? I've seen in plane-magazines ads for radio and CD-players, like in a car, not for navigation or such.

Btw back to Top Gun, to my knowledge that manouvre Maverick does with the heavy stop is actually real according to what I read, invented during the Vietnam war, but if it's really real then it's it dangerous? He might get rear-ended.

Speaking of stuntflying then I read the guy in the Spitfire that nearly give that presenter a haircut also did stuntflying for old war-movies, like flying an old plane under a small bridge etc. but I can't remember his name, however I think to remember it said his son was also a stuntpilot. The Spitfire clip is in my permanent archive though :D

I don't know what it is with fly-bys or how often it happends but I remember my fly-by in the Cardinal, I was surprised that when I retried that in FS2004 in a 172 that it barely pulled 1.5 g because my head felt like concrete when he pulled up, I was sure it was at least 2g. Ok back on topic.

« Last Edit: March 13, 2006, 05:39:24 PM by Frank N. O. »
"When once you have tasted flight, you will forever walk the earth with your eyes turned skyward, for there you have been, and there you will always long to return."
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Offline Callisto

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Re: >>>TOP GUN<<<
« Reply #16 on: March 13, 2006, 06:28:02 PM »
I am not a pilot, however I have more hours in MSFS than most of the people on this site  ;D I love all things planes. I'll read some of these posts from real pilots, and think, That would be cool, I'm not even sure what they are talking about, but cool! I can say with 100% accuracy that Top Gun is the reason I'm so geek about planes. I'm 28 now and I lost track of how many times I've seen the movie, 100's easly. I remember the first time I saw the movie when it first came out on HBO. I thought WOW! HOW COOL IS THIS MOVIE! When we got the tape I would always fast forward past everything that wasn't a Tomcat! As I got older I knew the movie wasn't 100% real, but who cares! I will let my self believe that an F-5, excuse me... MIG-28 and F-14 can be as close to 1.5 meters with out the tail fins hitting. And every sidewinder shot is the same stock footage. I don't care if the plot is BS... I will allow my brain to shut down for an hour and a half to watch planes fly!

Ok I'm done being a nerd...
 :-[ So I was debating letting you all in on this... but what the hell...  :-[

My AOL/AIM screen name is Mav16 (Mav14 was taken, and I like the F-16... so Mav16 it is... This was 1994-1995 when I created this screen name)
I still use this AIM name... man I'm getting old! I began my online life (is that an oxymorn?) 12+ years ago!  :P

How's that for divotion to a movie?  ;D ;D ;D

NOW I'm done being a nerd...
« Last Edit: March 14, 2006, 04:27:29 PM by Callisto »
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Offline Mike

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Re: >>>TOP GUN<<<
« Reply #17 on: March 13, 2006, 06:29:35 PM »

Btw, isn't it illegal or at least a bad idea to have music playing while flying? Aren't you supposed to monitor the aviation radio all the time? I've seen in plane-magazines ads for radio and CD-players, like in a car, not for navigation or such.

I don't think it's illegal. Haven't seen anything in the FAR's. If somebody knows though let me know, ok?!
I have several friends with systems installed in their aircraft, some of them even fade out when somebody speaks on the radio and then come back on when it's quiet again.
As for it being smart...
...I listen to music when I am flying buckets and when we are going to fires cross country. I have my little i-pod all rigged up. There is usually not a lot of people I need to talk to on the radio in the middle of Nevada and the firefighters come in so loud in their excitement that they drone everything out anyways. But I usually only put in one ear plug or don't turn it up too much because I reall like to hear what my engine and bleedvalve are doing as well...
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Offline Mike

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Re: >>>TOP GUN<<<
« Reply #18 on: March 13, 2006, 06:31:33 PM »
Well said Callisto!
That's the response I was anticipating when I started this thread!
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Offline Callisto

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Re: >>>TOP GUN<<<
« Reply #19 on: March 13, 2006, 08:05:38 PM »
Well said Callisto!
That's the response I was anticipating when I started this thread!

My first post to these boards and I made the Supreme Overlord happy  8)... I knew I liked this place! I guess I won't need that number to that truck driving school I saw on TV, Truck Master I think it is, I WON'T need that!  ;D

Great site BTW!
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Offline Gulfstream Driver

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Re: >>>TOP GUN<<<
« Reply #20 on: March 13, 2006, 08:19:55 PM »
It's not illegal to have music in the plane.  If it were, you'd have to take all the ADF receivers out of every plane in the US.   ;)  In fact, many airplanes come with music in standard.  Good systems that are set up properly will fade out when someone talks on the radio. 

Now, whether it's a good idea to listen to music while flying, that's up to the PIC.  I know that if I didn't have an mp3 player on my trip to CA, I would have gone nuts.  But, when the radio got busy, I turned it off. 
Behind every great man, there is a woman rolling her eyes.  --Bruce Almighty

Offline Sleek-Jet

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Re: >>>TOP GUN<<<
« Reply #21 on: March 13, 2006, 08:23:43 PM »
Well said Callisto!
That's the response I was anticipating when I started this thread!

My first post to these boards and I made the Supreme Overlord happy  8)... I knew I liked this place! I guess I won't need that number to that truck driving school I saw on TV, Truck Master I think it is, I WON'T need that!  ;D

Great site BTW!

... but if you mess up even "this much".... you'll be flying a cargo plane full of rubber dog shit out of Hong Kong... ;D ;D ;D
A pilot is a confused soul who talks about women when he's around airplanes, and airplanes when he's around women.

Offline Callisto

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Re: >>>TOP GUN<<<
« Reply #22 on: March 13, 2006, 09:52:06 PM »
Well said Callisto!
That's the response I was anticipating when I started this thread!

My first post to these boards and I made the Supreme Overlord happy  8)... I knew I liked this place! I guess I won't need that number to that truck driving school I saw on TV, Truck Master I think it is, I WON'T need that!  ;D

Great site BTW!

... but if you mess up even "this much".... you'll be flying a cargo plane full of rubber dog shit out of Hong Kong... ;D ;D ;D

Thanks Sleek-Jet... I guess I let my ego write a check my body couldn't cash! I won't let you guys down.

Maverick: Shes lost that loving feeling
Goose: Shes los... No she hasnt
Maverick: Yea she has.
Goose: Shes not lost that lov...
Maverick: Goose, she's lost it man.
Goose: Come on! Aw s**t I hate it when she does that.
Then he tosses a peanut on the ground all pissed... I laugh at those lines EVERY time!
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Offline Ted_Stryker

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Re: >>>TOP GUN<<<
« Reply #23 on: March 13, 2006, 10:33:51 PM »
It's not illegal to have music in the plane.  If it were, you'd have to take all the ADF receivers out of every plane in the US.   ;)  In fact, many airplanes come with music in standard.  Good systems that are set up properly will fade out when someone talks on the radio. 

Now, whether it's a good idea to listen to music while flying, that's up to the PIC.  I know that if I didn't have an mp3 player on my trip to CA, I would have gone nuts.  But, when the radio got busy, I turned it off. 

On the new G-1000 equipped C-172's I fly, they have XM Radio built in.  I let the passengers enjoy, and use the pilot isolate feature to turn it off for me, or I keep the volume of it much lower on my headset than the nav/com.

In my primary training, it was not uncommon for my CFI and I to tune in the baseball game on KMOX Radio via the ADF :)  Of course, it was not used in such a manner even way back then as to interfere with ATC communications.

We're going to have to come in pretty low!  It's just one of those things you have to do... when you land!  -- Ted Striker - Airplane!

Offline Mike

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Re: >>>TOP GUN<<<
« Reply #24 on: March 13, 2006, 10:43:31 PM »
... but if you mess up even "this much".... you'll be flying a cargo plane full of rubber dog shit out of Hong Kong... ;D ;D ;D

You used my favorite line out of the movie! I was gonna post it later. (I just had to think about how excactly it goes. They actually have a pretty good line for that in German as well. One of the few times when the translation actually didn't mess up the joke...)

 I too hate when she looses that loving feeling ;)
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Re: >>>TOP GUN<<<
« Reply #25 on: March 13, 2006, 11:05:28 PM »
Thats what we use here at Riddle



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Re: >>>TOP GUN<<<
« Reply #26 on: March 13, 2006, 11:07:30 PM »
Thats what we use here at Riddle


Oops missed the secnod page. I'm talking about the walkmam/i-pod thing.

Just used on my flight down to the Keys 8)

Offline Mike

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Re: >>>TOP GUN<<<
« Reply #27 on: March 14, 2006, 01:04:10 AM »
Music is ok I think... as long as you're not loosing that loving feeling...

(ok, it's recycled one but it's from one of my first jokes so it's ok...)
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Offline C310RCaptian

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Re: >>>TOP GUN<<<
« Reply #28 on: March 14, 2006, 02:46:30 AM »
The aviation fraternity at my college required all the pledges to sing “lost that loving feeling” to the entire sorority complex… and they couldn’t read it off a piece of paper. It had to come strait from memory... lost many good men that way…

About the music thing… The 310 I fly has XM radio for the Garmin 530 and 430 for the weather. I listen to it all the time. I’ve found it calms me down and helps me focus on hard things like IFR approaches or a smooth landing with important guests onboard. Its kind of like listening to classical music while studying.


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Re: >>>TOP GUN<<<
« Reply #29 on: March 14, 2006, 03:13:04 AM »

What makes me sad is the fact that a great pilot was killed while filming the flap-spin scenes, the same pilot that flew the Aerobat in the stunning start-scenes in Iron Eagle the year before. RIP


We taliking about Art Scholl ?