Author Topic: >>>TOP GUN<<<  (Read 100422 times)

Offline Mike

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Re: >>>TOP GUN<<<
« Reply #135 on: April 08, 2006, 10:30:50 PM »
So I am sitting here in my little hotel room in Mena, Arkansas (a place with not much to do and unfortunately in a "dry county"  :'( ) when I turn on the tube and guess what's on abc-family right now?!?!

and again I can't get myself to click away from the movie...

My girlfriend even bought me the soundtrack the other day 'cause I kept telling her about the topic in the forum and about what you guys were posting.
Funny, huh?!
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Offline Frank N. O.

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Re: >>>TOP GUN<<<
« Reply #136 on: April 09, 2006, 04:55:05 PM »
Lol that's funny alright, I'm surprised you didn't have the sound-track already, I've had it for years and I don't have that many CD's (mainly due to money, secondly due to listening to old Amiga music-modules or the radio). It is tough sometimes to buy the classic music you really like to own because you like it so much, because normally old classics are on full price and all other songs on it are not interesting.

"When once you have tasted flight, you will forever walk the earth with your eyes turned skyward, for there you have been, and there you will always long to return."
— Leonardo da Vinci

Offline Mike

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Re: >>>TOP GUN<<<
« Reply #137 on: April 10, 2006, 01:39:48 AM »
actually I have had the soundtrack already. Owned it on tape for years.
I don't think it still works it has been played so much, so I am glad she got me the CD.
It also has more songs on it like "Sittn' on the dock of the bay" and all that stuff. It's great!!
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Offline Frank N. O.

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Re: >>>TOP GUN<<<
« Reply #138 on: April 10, 2006, 08:04:27 PM »
Ah, that explains it, I also didn't know there were more songs on the tape, I threw out my last tape (auudio and VHS video, almost 400 of the later, out some years ago, I did digitally record a goodnight story that I recorded of my dad when I was a kid though, the only voice recording I have, everything else are photographs).

Btw, I looked around for headset pictures and found a pilot-store and besides a the std. Remove Before Flight appearal including boxershorts and a tank-top which appeared to me to be aimed at females (thing straps) then there was a new twist on a popular item namely the licenseplate frame. Besides the classics: I'd rather be flying, and: My other car's an aircraft, then they listed their own favourite: Too close for misiles switching to guns. Now this has to be from Top Gun right? :D

"When once you have tasted flight, you will forever walk the earth with your eyes turned skyward, for there you have been, and there you will always long to return."
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Re: >>>TOP GUN<<<
« Reply #139 on: April 11, 2006, 02:10:13 AM »
I'm still looking for a license plate frame that say's "If you don't fly------you aint S**t

Offline Frank N. O.

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Re: >>>TOP GUN<<<
« Reply #140 on: April 11, 2006, 06:50:08 PM »
I just looked again at the About Us page and noticed a funny thing: At places like this Mike spends his hot summer nights. That's the title of one of the songs on the Top Gun Soundtrack, was that intentional or just a funny coincidence?

Fireflyr, you aint kidding, my mom and I had finished the last grocery shopping for this week and had an hour to spend until the ferry sailed home so I decided to take a quick trip to Roskilde Airport. A few kms before the airport the two lanes of the highway merges to one and we were a full lane on the right and cars still overtaking close to the mergepoint, then a small Honda SUV squeesed in front of us and a big Ford Transit rental-van (meaning probably not a skilled van-driver driving) did the same behind us but before they were more than half-way in our lane, the 3rd of 4th car ahead slowed down on the righthand lane to a near full stop since there's no hard-shoulder but marker-posts but since we were so tight, and sadly squeezed together at both ends we had to stand hard on the brakes but thanks to van right behind us I had to release a bit to make I didn't any faster than absolutely needed since the van was even closer behind than the suv was in front of us! The headlights of the van are above the bottom edge of the rear-window so with one eye I saw that big right-hand headlight and in front us the back end of the suv, that was some fast and very precise stopping there to avoid both rear-ending another car, and getting rear-ended. From sailing on the ferry I can say that the van was at most 3 1/2 ft from our bumper, with a initial speed of 80 kph, and actually both cars merged a bit before the actual lanes merged but with cars already behind and in front I couldn't do much about re-establishing a safety distance, but I managed to brake presicely as much as needed and it didn't seem anyone got hit, but man that's the closest and biggest call yet in my driving career that'll soon hit the 10 year mark.

And then at the airport seeing a Seneca (I think), a Piper single and a Tomahawk too I think taking off from the airport And just turning at the parkinglot and seeing a Tomahawk and a Tobaco on the grass-strip and two other Piper single's and a Skyhawk the hangar-space on the other side, and another more modern low-wing single taking off and swerving directly over the car when we drove back towards the highway, man those pilots that flew today in the reasonably nice VFR conditions were so lucky!

I think Leo said it best:
"When once you have tasted flight, you will forever walk the earth with your eyes turned skyward,
for there you have been, and there you will always long to return."

— Leonardo da Vinci

If anyone is going to EKRK then please tell me, even just to say hi and let me get a chance to just stand near a plane again, that would be great. Man I wish I was in California, but maybe someday, I'm still young, the say.


P.S. I tried re-writting the incident-report several times to make it as concise as possible.
"When once you have tasted flight, you will forever walk the earth with your eyes turned skyward, for there you have been, and there you will always long to return."
— Leonardo da Vinci


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Re: >>>TOP GUN<<<
« Reply #141 on: April 12, 2006, 02:22:54 AM »
Frank.....................I ain't kidding!!   Damn ,son, if you want to fly, come to the US, we know how to get things done!  You want to learn to fly?  Then get your skinny ass over here next winter, pay for the airplane, and I'll teach you for nothing!!!---your move----
« Last Edit: April 12, 2006, 01:21:20 PM by fireflyr »

Offline Gulfstream Driver

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Re: >>>TOP GUN<<<
« Reply #142 on: April 12, 2006, 02:54:57 AM »
It's a hell of a lot cheaper over here...And free dual?  Can't beat that!
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Offline Mike

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Re: >>>TOP GUN<<<
« Reply #143 on: April 13, 2006, 03:17:17 AM »
I just looked again at the About Us page and noticed a funny thing: At places like this Mike spends his hot summer nights. That's the title of one of the songs on the Top Gun Soundtrack, was that intentional or just a funny coincidence?

Hmmm. . . .
My brother wrote that. I need to check with him.
If it was intentional then I never caught on to it. Cool though!! ;)
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Offline Turbomallard

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Re: >>>TOP GUN<<<
« Reply #144 on: June 30, 2006, 04:41:49 AM »
Top Gun on a low budget... but with the same camera movements (and very well choreographed!)

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Offline happylanding

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Re: >>>TOP GUN<<<
« Reply #145 on: June 30, 2006, 08:41:04 AM »
Frank.....................I ain't kidding!!   Damn ,son, if you want to fly, come to the US, we know how to get things done!  You want to learn to fly?  Then get your skinny ass over here next winter, pay for the airplane, and I'll teach you for nothing!!!---your move----

I just read this message under the topic and well, Frank, if you haven't caught the offer yet, catch it! I'm sure that you are going to have a terrific instructor and have a lot of fun. Mates, it's gorgeous to see the kind of solid friendship that this forum creates.  :) :) Looks like flight is a glue stronger than anything else and well, Fireflyr's offer is just unbeatable! Once again, I'm impressed!
I give that landing a 9 . . . on the Richter scale.

Offline Frank N. O.

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Re: >>>TOP GUN<<<
« Reply #146 on: July 02, 2006, 10:03:58 AM »
I haven't caught it yet, and not sure if I'll ever be able to since I simply don't have an in-come that'll allow me to travel to and live in California even though it's my dream-destination, I don't have much left here in DK and some of the best people I know live in California or nearby that, both from Chicken Wings and from the other forum I frequent, including my best friend Cheyenne.

If anyone knows some basic C++ programming and can answer a few simple questions then please say so since I'm starting from scratch again to make sure I'm not missing anything and I've found my thing that needs an answer that isn't in any of the 6 books I bought so far (that btw comes near the amount of money I think Jim said the plane hire would be though but some were bought in 2000 when I started engineering college, but I had to drop out after the death of my dad became too much and that was just the start of a long trip to figure out how the world and myself worked, that trip is however nearing the end where I can start going out into the world but there's a big step that prevents the start).

"When once you have tasted flight, you will forever walk the earth with your eyes turned skyward, for there you have been, and there you will always long to return."
— Leonardo da Vinci

Offline madpilot44

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Re: >>>TOP GUN<<<
« Reply #147 on: July 08, 2006, 01:03:59 AM »
hey frank, sorry for the delay, but I'm going into C++ this semester, so if I can do anything to help, I'll be happy to.  (it would have to be pretty basic 'cause I just started the semester this week, but I'll try to get you an answer)
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Offline Frank N. O.

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Re: >>>TOP GUN<<<
« Reply #148 on: July 08, 2006, 01:26:47 PM »
Thank you very much for the offer, I appreciate it. I've gotten some basic things answered by another programmer in this thread here Racerplanet, based around racing-games especially the old but still classic NFS Porshe Unleashed/2000 is the only other forum I frequent and there are some nice people there even if it's quieted down recently, especially with the latest NFS-games which are not at all inline with the old-school classics.

I have been improving however and have gotten started in Visual C++ Express 2005 that was free to download and register at MS recently, before that I used the freeware program DevC++ but I'm trying MS' now since it's much newer and the license even allows for commercial products to be made with it.
I'm also learning a lot about physics, and that can both be used for driving and flying games and it's actually real life physics you learn both in theory and how to do calculations from it so it's great stuff to learn for several areas of interest:)

Best wishes for your classes  |:)\

"When once you have tasted flight, you will forever walk the earth with your eyes turned skyward, for there you have been, and there you will always long to return."
— Leonardo da Vinci


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Re: >>>TOP GUN<<<
« Reply #149 on: February 04, 2007, 02:55:40 AM »
I watch this movie at least once a month.  Although It isnt what got me into aviation, it probably was my first exposure to it, and the underlying thing that drove my passion.  And yes, I can recite every line, and I often quote them too, GREAT BALLS OF FIRE, AH HA!