Author Topic: For those who thought I was exagerating about danish drivers, see this video  (Read 6170 times)

Offline Frank N. O.

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For the record: Fjols means dork/schmuck (the word idiot also applies but it's also used in danish). Every single post in danish there says he's a moron, he should never have kids, hope he enjoys his jailtime etc. etc.

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Offline Mike

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wow....  ::sick:: ::loony::

it's one thing being really stupid... but filming it on top of it ?!?!
they kind of deserve somebody watching it from the poilce and find them to take them to jail....
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Offline Frank N. O.

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wow....  ::sick:: ::loony::

it's one thing being really stupid... but filming it on top of it ?!?!
they kind of deserve somebody watching it from the poilce and find them to take them to jail....
Already done, picked up at work no less!

"When once you have tasted flight, you will forever walk the earth with your eyes turned skyward, for there you have been, and there you will always long to return."
— Leonardo da Vinci

Offline Stef

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Dude!! Unbelievable!  ::eek::  ::loony::  I hope he DOESN'T enjoy jail time! And I really hope they never EVER give him back his driving livense!!

Offline Mike

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wow....  ::sick:: ::loony::

it's one thing being really stupid... but filming it on top of it ?!?!
they kind of deserve somebody watching it from the poilce and find them to take them to jail....
Already done, picked up at work no less!


oh, so they threw his sorry ass in jail??

or do you mean they took his license away?
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Offline Stef

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I hope he DOESN'T enjoy jail time!

Just to make sure: I meant that he definitely should go to jail, just not in an enjoyable one!  ;)

Offline Frank N. O.

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Well as you can see then at least two cars can be seen driving past in the other direction in the first part of the video, and at the end he passes two cars, a trailer, a bike and a group of people inbetween the vehicles that are parked half-way on the road on the same side as the idiot is driving, and a warning triangle can be seen placed behind the vehicles and when he passes them the wheel is off! So he was not only speeding (96-97 kph indicated on a 80 kph highway when the passenger zooms in on the Citroen ZX's instruments) he was also recklessly endangering lives (in danish the official charge uses the word "kådhed" to describe the mood behind his actions, a danish-english site translates the word's meaning to: playfulness, flippancy, wantonness, friskiness) and the enddangering of lives out of folly as I would call it, will normally result in jailtime besides a suspended license I'm sure.

"When once you have tasted flight, you will forever walk the earth with your eyes turned skyward, for there you have been, and there you will always long to return."
— Leonardo da Vinci

Offline want2fly

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I think for one he is crazy! ::loony:: ::loony:: ::loony:: ::loony:: ::loony:: ::loony::

He should get thrown in jail and never get his license back.
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Offline arandomguy

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i don't think hes smarter than the average bear or hes been doing quite a bit of  ::drinking:: ::drinking:: ::drinking:: ::drinking:: ::drinking::
so basically I'm just some random guy who joined this cause i felt like it, yay first solo, me and my bro did it the same day!