I can't see how a helicopter can "crash" because of ground resonance.
In order for a helicopter to get into ground resonance you need to be in contact with the ground to transfer the shock into the rotor system and then back into the skids and then back up and so on...
So there is an easy fix if you feel ground resonance coming on while touching down. Lift the ship back up!
The centrifucal forces will straighten the blades out again.
Think about this. Remember the Four Basics of Powered Flight: Stall, Spin, Crash and Burn -- I mean, Lift vs Weight, Thrust vs Drag. In the case of a rotor, Thrust = Energy = Power. Increasing lift increases drag, which requires more power.
Let's play the numbers in ground resonance. Imagine that your helo weighs, say, 2000 lbs. In order to lift off the ground, your rotors have to provide MORE than 2000 lbs of lift, to land you need less than that. To fly you pump a lot of power into the rotors so that they turn fast, then increase lift by increasing pitch, getting light on the skids but not getting off the ground (say, 2100 lbs of lift). This increases drag. If you don't provide enough EXCESS power to the rotors, they will slow down because of the drag. Slower rotors provide less lift, so your helo get heavy again (1800 lbs of lift). When the weight transfers back onto the skids, drag on the rotors decreases, so they can speed up again. They speed up, develop lift (2100 lbs), and your helo gets light again, just as the rotors slow down again from the increased drag (1800 lbs), and the cycle repeats. After a few of these cycles (which can happen several times per second), the high (skids-light) curve can have enough power to lift the helo off the ground, and the low (skids-heavy) curve may come while the helo is still a couple of inches up, slamming the aircraft back down hard -- and slingshotting into the next cycle! Another factor is the elasticity in the rotor system, both practical (flex of the blades) and virtual (mechanical tolerances of the control system and rotor-tilt).
If, as you suggest, you roll on more power to overcome the drag and take off, it takes time for the rotors to speed up (there is a MASSIVE amount of centrifugal force to oversome). During that period, the rotors will pick up enough power to lift you several inches or even a couple of feet during the high curve (2200 lbs), so when the low curve arrives (1900 lbs) you have lot farther to fall (and hit the ground harder, even if you have more lift).
Worse, the rotor disc will tilt one way or another, and the pilot has NO CONTROL over where it will go (remember, the cyclic only changes the angle of attack of the rotors, and is only effective when you have sufficient, even lift). Thus, the impact point may only be one end of one skid, so the effect is like bouncing a football, or exceeding the weight-carrying capability of that part of the structure.
Instead of trying to take off, what you do is ROLL OFF power -- it's a lot less likely to slam into the ground when you're firmly sitting on it -- then zero your pitch and wait for the rotor disc to flatten out. When you have full control again, keep your pitch zero, THEN add power, pumping enough energy into them to overcome the drag before you bring in any pitch.
Whether taking off or landing, you want to cross through this portion of the lift range steadily and rapidly.