Author Topic: The British are shocked SHOCKED to find out that red sky in morning could....  (Read 6370 times)

Offline Baradium

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indicate possible bad weather....

Published: Today
WEATHERMEN were on red alert last night – after warning this blood-coloured sky means more storms and floods are heading our way.

The amazing picture was taken early yesterday by Stephen Huntley in Danbury, Essex.

Experts say it heralds extreme weather – like the adage “Red sky in the morning, shepherds’ warning.”

Thousands of householders are today bedding down for a weekend of torrential rain and flooding after the Environment Agency advised moving out pets and valuables in anticipation of the deluge.

The Midlands and South West are at high risk from the swelling rivers Severn and Trent, and the Government has advised the public to prepare emergency kits and tie down garden chairs.

An Environment Agency statement covering this weekend said: “We are warning people across the Midlands to prepare for flooding again over the next few days, as the latest weather forecast from the Met Office is predicting heavy rainfall.

“While everyone living in a flood-risk area should remain vigilant, we believe that flooding is especially likely to occur on the Severn and its tributaries north of Shrewsbury, and in Gloucestershire.

“Along the lower reaches of the Trent and its tributaries (Nottinghamshire, Leicestershire and Derbyshire) we are expecting a slight worsening of the current situation.”

Heavy rain is expected to fall on the North of England and Midlands, with the East of England relatively untroubled.

The Agency had 56 flood warnings in place last night.

The Avon, Trent and Severn and Wye rivers, in the Midlands and South West, as well of the Thames in South Oxfordshire, are all subject to flood notices.

The Highways Agency has urged motorists to drive slowly and pack food and warm clothes in case they become trapped on a flooded road.

Rail services are disrupted in the South West, Powys and Hampshire with replacement bus and taxi services running.

"Well I know what's right, I got just one life
In a world that keeps on pushin' me around
But I stand my ground, and I won't back down"
  -Johnny Cash "I won't back Down"

Offline TheSoccerMom

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I must be missing some paragraphs or something.  I don't see where anyone is shocked.......  ? 

Don't make me come back there!!!!

Offline Baradium

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I must be missing some paragraphs or something.  I don't see where anyone is shocked.......  ? 


The fact that they wrote an article explaining it is a good clue...  :p
"Well I know what's right, I got just one life
In a world that keeps on pushin' me around
But I stand my ground, and I won't back down"
  -Johnny Cash "I won't back Down"

Offline Oddball

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funny that cos as a some one who hikes and skis i knew that red ski at night shephards delight red ski in the morning some one takes warning, ok its early morning here i forgot the last part
"You can teach monkeys to fly better than that!"and "spring chicken to sh**e hawk in one easy lesson"

Offline TheSoccerMom

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Uhm, Ian, you wouldn't have forgotten that last bit, if you hadn't been so busy making those darned Christmas cookies....  hic!   ::drinking::

 ;)     ;D
Don't make me come back there!!!!

Offline Oddball

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those "cookies" where meant to be rock cakes lol and what are you trying to say about my cooking? i have only given my girlfriend food poisoning once and that was only because the eggs where off and the best before date was still two weeks away and any other times you can not pin on me  ::sulk:: ::complaining: ::loony::
« Last Edit: January 22, 2008, 06:29:55 PM by Oddball »
"You can teach monkeys to fly better than that!"and "spring chicken to sh**e hawk in one easy lesson"


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"gave my girlfriend food poisoning" sounds like a lyric from that old country western song "DARLING I MISSED YA BUT MY AIM IS GETTING BETTER"  ::whistle::

Offline Oddball

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thats because i wrote that song  ::rofl::
"You can teach monkeys to fly better than that!"and "spring chicken to sh**e hawk in one easy lesson"

Offline AirScorp

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Airtac that song really exists? Just checkin'
It's all Greek to me!

Offline Rooster Cruiser

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Mah personal favorite is, "There's a Tear in my Beer".   ::whistle:: ;D
"Me 'n Earl was haulin' chickens / On a flatbed outta Wiggins..."

Wolf Creek Pass, by CW McCall

Offline TheSoccerMom

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I'd have to say my favorite (at least the one I can write here), is the old stanadard:

"If My Brains Spilled Out Across the Barroom Floor,

I Bet They'd Spell Yer Name...."     ::drinking::                ::drinking::                ::drinking::
Don't make me come back there!!!!

Offline Oddball

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and that is usually sung in bars where you have to wipe your feet on the way out lol
"You can teach monkeys to fly better than that!"and "spring chicken to sh**e hawk in one easy lesson"


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Airtac that song really exists? Just checkin'

Sure is, along with such favorites as; "You done tore out my heart and stomped that sucker flat"--another is; "You're the reason our kids are so ugly" ::wave::

Offline AirScorp

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Well then , I challenge you to get me some of them on mp3..

Man, and thought "one piece at a time" was funny.. How ignorant of quality music I am  ::rofl::
It's all Greek to me!