Author Topic: (almost) plane theft  (Read 4784 times)

Offline Zaffex

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"You know you're a redneck pilot when you think avgas makes a good cologne."

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Re: (almost) plane theft
« Reply #1 on: December 13, 2007, 07:41:27 PM »
"Man Stole Plane To Impress Girlfriend"

Yep, she must just have swooning in awe at his prowess as he swerved off into the crops...

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Re: (almost) plane theft
« Reply #2 on: December 14, 2007, 09:35:56 PM »
At least he didn't get airborne and killed both of them.  I've heard of that happening too.
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Re: (almost) plane theft
« Reply #3 on: December 15, 2007, 05:58:54 PM »
A similar story happened in France some years ago ...

It was at Brest airport (west of France, in Brittain). Two youg boys (around 14 years old) decided to "use" an ATR-42 from Brittair Company based in Brest to fly towards Ajjacio (Corsica). They used to follow the Brittair's mechanic when he was performing runup and were sure to be able to control the plane ... after some Flight Simulator training hours !

A Sunday they started the engines, taxied to threshold and ... applied full power ! During the take off roll one off the two guys ask to the other "did you check the fuel level ?!". As they was not sure to have enough fuel they initiated a successful take off abort ! (incredible without experience on twin turboprop plane !) and taxied the aircraft to the fuel apron... But without any help they were not able to refuel the plane so they decided to close it and to return home ...

The day after the ATC ask to the mechanic why the aircraft was not parked normally. The mechanic guessed something abnormal happened and decided to remove the cockpit voice recorder. The two young guys were arrested by the police and after one day of retention they were released.

One year later one of the two guys decided to retry the flight but with the local aeroclub Cessna 172. At that time he was learning to fly on it but was not yet allowed to fly alone... He took off alone and flied toward south east ... but get lost after one flight hour ... The Nantes tower helped him through its radar and vectored him to land safely... welcomed by policemen ... The justice department decided he will never be allowed to learn nor fly anymore.

Crazy guys !
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Offline Fabo

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Re: (almost) plane theft
« Reply #4 on: December 15, 2007, 10:27:53 PM »
Good thing he thought of it BEFORE V1... I do not want to know what would happen ih he would remember when just becoming airborn... They might be able to circle, but I can hadly see a way for them to actually land the plane. Ive been said ground effect does much and is not simulated in any AT42 capable sim I know.

I believe that experienced top-level B737 or similar autoplane add-on using simmer can setup plane to land, but I can hardly see hand-landing it... Although once there was this 15yrs guy in Czech, who had several hundred hours of PMDG experience, and TV had chosen him to see how he would do in full motion 737 sim of CSA. Did quite well, even on Funchal.
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Re: (almost) plane theft
« Reply #5 on: December 16, 2007, 04:24:13 PM »
A similar story happened in France some years ago ...

It was at Brest airport (west of France, in Brittain). Two youg boys (around 14 years old) decided to "use" an ATR-42 from Brittair Company based in Brest to fly towards Ajjacio (Corsica). They used to follow the Brittair's mechanic when he was performing runup and were sure to be able to control the plane ... after some Flight Simulator training hours !

A Sunday they started the engines, taxied to threshold and ... applied full power ! During the take off roll one off the two guys ask to the other "did you check the fuel level ?!". As they was not sure to have enough fuel they initiated a successful take off abort ! (incredible without experience on twin turboprop plane !) and taxied the aircraft to the fuel apron... But without any help they were not able to refuel the plane so they decided to close it and to return home ...

The day after the ATC ask to the mechanic why the aircraft was not parked normally. The mechanic guessed something abnormal happened and decided to remove the cockpit voice recorder. The two young guys were arrested by the police and after one day of retention they were released.

One year later one of the two guys decided to retry the flight but with the local aeroclub Cessna 172. At that time he was learning to fly on it but was not yet allowed to fly alone... He took off alone and flied toward south east ... but get lost after one flight hour ... The Nantes tower helped him through its radar and vectored him to land safely... welcomed by policemen ... The justice department decided he will never be allowed to learn nor fly anymore.

Crazy guys !
AW hell, they were just kids (youthful enthusiasm)--I wouldn't ban them for life!!! :-\

Offline Fabo

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Re: (almost) plane theft
« Reply #6 on: December 16, 2007, 05:03:23 PM »
A similar story happened in France some years ago ...

It was at Brest airport (west of France, in Brittain). Two youg boys (around 14 years old) decided to "use" an ATR-42 from Brittair Company based in Brest to fly towards Ajjacio (Corsica). They used to follow the Brittair's mechanic when he was performing runup and were sure to be able to control the plane ... after some Flight Simulator training hours !

A Sunday they started the engines, taxied to threshold and ... applied full power ! During the take off roll one off the two guys ask to the other "did you check the fuel level ?!". As they was not sure to have enough fuel they initiated a successful take off abort ! (incredible without experience on twin turboprop plane !) and taxied the aircraft to the fuel apron... But without any help they were not able to refuel the plane so they decided to close it and to return home ...

The day after the ATC ask to the mechanic why the aircraft was not parked normally. The mechanic guessed something abnormal happened and decided to remove the cockpit voice recorder. The two young guys were arrested by the police and after one day of retention they were released.

One year later one of the two guys decided to retry the flight but with the local aeroclub Cessna 172. At that time he was learning to fly on it but was not yet allowed to fly alone... He took off alone and flied toward south east ... but get lost after one flight hour ... The Nantes tower helped him through its radar and vectored him to land safely... welcomed by policemen ... The justice department decided he will never be allowed to learn nor fly anymore.

Crazy guys !
AW hell, they were just kids (youthful enthusiasm)--I wouldn't ban them for life!!! :-\

Well heh did it for second time... well enough, he could have easily killed somebody if he got in air with that 42, and he did not really show respect for air law later on... I can see him making quite a danger in the future.
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Offline Zaffex

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Re: (almost) plane theft
« Reply #7 on: December 16, 2007, 05:49:36 PM »
Ah, by the way, anybody see that Mythbusters' episode where they tried to land the airliner in the NASA simulator?
"You know you're a redneck pilot when you think avgas makes a good cologne."