Oh, I see...
Do you know how much it can carry?
I was assuming they would put a tank on the bottom of the plane. Even if they can hold less than a P3 Orion for example, I am a firm believer that 800gal delivered precisely where you want them might be more effective than 2000gal or more "in the general area". Do you see what I am getting at? I think the A-10 might have the ability to delivery whatever she can way better than the big tankers we have now. We have found the SEATs to be very effective (with a good pilot) in Nevada.
The one thing I can't figure out is: They built the plane around a big-@$$ machine gun. If they take that out, will the plane stay together? Would they have to rebuild the airframe? Or would they leave it in and disable it and put in water instead of ammo??
Questions over questions... 
According to the hyperlink I posted, it looks like 16,000 lbs on the hardpoints under the wings, and additional weight on the underbelly itself...max takeoff weight is 51,000 lbs. I'm not sure what it's basic empty weight is though.
The plane would stay together if they took the nose gun out. They'd have to counterweight, and put a block plate in the nose, but that would be about it. When they say they "built the plane around the gun", they mean they designed the plane to be a flying gun, with the dimensions, power, and speed needed to deploy against tanks. The gun dimensions, firing rate, muzzle velocity, and ammunition needs were factors in determining the shape of the fuselage with refinements for the aerodynamics... but it's basically built without the idea of carrying any cargo of any kind, other than a survival pack in the ejection seat for the pilot, though a pilot can attach a "PE Pod" (personal effects pod), that will let him transport himself, and his belongings, in a bomb-like casing on the belly of the aircraft. That is common on other fighter aircraft too. Some branches of the service call them "P-Pods", "POPs", etc., with the nicknames having changed a little over time, but all meaning the same basic thing.